Student finance would be dependent on where you’re from (England etc) and your age. If you’re under 25, it will go off your parent(s) wage, whereas if you’re a mature student, it will go off your wage. You can also apply for accommodation through SFE. If you’re cost worried it might be best looking at uni’s in cheaper areas - UClan and HK would be the cheapest.
There are bursary’s available. I can only speak for HKVS, but we have EMS bursaries available and I also received a bursary which I never applied for but because I met certain requirements I was automatically entitled to it. External bursaries exist too.
Timetable wise, we have Wednesday’s ‘off’. The morning is for online session(s), catch up, revision, and sports or work. The vet school are aware many of the students work and they’re okay with it, as long as it doesn’t affect attendance and exams/results. I personally work every other Saturday and during holidays as a registered vet nurse. A lot of other students have jobs too (shops, super markets, farms etc). As the years progress the ability to work does become more challenging though