The Student Room Group

If you are Med student at University of Bristol pls help

If you are a current medical student at Bristol University, how did you prepare for your interview? What resources did you use? What type of questions should I practice? Please if you have any advice it would be really helpful!!!
I currently only have Bristol’s interview so I need to do well!!
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Deadaboodee
If you are a current medical student at Bristol University, how did you prepare for your interview? What resources did you use? What type of questions should I practice? Please if you have any advice it would be really helpful!!!
I currently only have Bristol’s interview so I need to do well!!

I’m not but I think you can email them to find out.also all med school have similar questions so there might not be anything specific
One question they could ask is “why Bristol? And not other med school?” For this be very specific like that you live very close or you like something very unique to their (idk what but for example you could say you like how there are many local family owned businesses with unique handcrafted items)
Reply 3
Congrats on the interview, is it for standard or for gateway, also how soon is it?
Reply 4
Original post by Chillzz
Congrats on the interview, is it for standard or for gateway, also how soon is it?

Standard, Jan 13
Reply 5
Original post by Deadaboodee
Standard, Jan 13

Oh that pretty soon, check the message I sent you

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