The Student Room Group

Which Uni course to do after Access?

Hello, I am looking at doing a Humanities and Social Science access course next September. My question is what courses have people enrolled onto after successful completion of their HSS access course, and in terms of employability, which are the most beneficial?

I've read the obvious careers are social worker, teacher, police, law for example.

What have people gone on to do after completing the HSS access course?

I'd appreciate your help and advice.

Thank you.
employers don't employ a degree they employ an individual with skills and experiences.

Are there any topics or subjects in your course at the moment that you're finding particularly interesting?

Getting the best possible degree classification relies on having a degree subject you enjoy and are motivated to study independently. And building your experiences alongside your degree also is a hell of a lot easier if you are happy in your studies.
Hi there,

I’m currently in my third year studying Sociology at Liverpool Hope University - I went on to uni directly after completing my access course. Liverpool Hope offers a huge range of courses in the schools of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you wish to check them out, the website is:

I found that an access course was perfect for me as I’d taken a break between learning. The course really did prepare me for what was/is expected of students studying undergraduate degrees. Please feel free to ask me anything relating to my course at college, my current studies or even life as a student in Liverpool!

Third year Sociology Student
Liverpool Hope University
Original post by Liverpool Hope Student Ambassador
Hi there,
I’m currently in my third year studying Sociology at Liverpool Hope University - I went on to uni directly after completing my access course. Liverpool Hope offers a huge range of courses in the schools of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you wish to check them out, the website is:
I found that an access course was perfect for me as I’d taken a break between learning. The course really did prepare me for what was/is expected of students studying undergraduate degrees. Please feel free to ask me anything relating to my course at college, my current studies or even life as a student in Liverpool!
Third year Sociology Student
Liverpool Hope University

Thank you for your reply. Much appreciated.

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