The Student Room Group

Edinburgh Uni accommodation questions

Hi! My name is Amelia and I’m currently a year 12 student studying Fine Art, Graphic Communications , and 3D design. I’m hoping to go to Edinburgh university after my a levels, and a foundation degree at my current school. Not quite sure which creative subject to study. Very excited 😖

I was wondering, how do accommodations actually work? Are roommates chosen randomly, or can I choose who my roommate is?

Thankyou to anyone who replies 😊
Hey, generally speaking we tend to have singles in the uk so you probably wont even have a roommate lol. Instead youll probably have your own bedroom in a flat of 4-6 random people who you’d then share a kitchen with, or if your in halls youll just share a bathroom and social area as youll be catered i guess. If you wish to share, maybe for cost reasons, then you can apply for a double and I think if you do that you can choose a roommate if you email them, if you knew prior to applying who it was you wanted to room with. However id still say the answer if generally no you don’t get to choose for a shared room. Hope this helps.
Also not to be nosy but have you considered any specifically artsy unis? I feel like edi is quite academic but im not doing a creative course or know anyone who is lol so maybe im wrong xx
Reply 2
Original post by omgwhoisit
Hey, generally speaking we tend to have singles in the uk so you probably wont even have a roommate lol. Instead youll probably have your own bedroom in a flat of 4-6 random people who you’d then share a kitchen with, or if your in halls youll just share a bathroom and social area as youll be catered i guess. If you wish to share, maybe for cost reasons, then you can apply for a double and I think if you do that you can choose a roommate if you email them, if you knew prior to applying who it was you wanted to room with. However id still say the answer if generally no you don’t get to choose for a shared room. Hope this helps.
Also not to be nosy but have you considered any specifically artsy unis? I feel like edi is quite academic but im not doing a creative course or know anyone who is lol so maybe im wrong xx

Thankyou for your advice! I’ve heard Edinburgh uni is good for art, and I’m planning to have a look into their courses and go to an open event next year, but yeah I’m trying to find an artsy uni too. I love Edinburgh and its city a lot, I feel like if I go there I may enjoy the experience more simply because of how much I love the place already. Whereas other art universities I’ve looked into and been to open days in, I don’t like the places they’re in, and my mood and feelings really depend on my surroundings… (talking from the perspective of a girl who hates her city LOL) but I’m open to any other recommendations!
Original post by ameliiaaaaa
Thankyou for your advice! I’ve heard Edinburgh uni is good for art, and I’m planning to have a look into their courses and go to an open event next year, but yeah I’m trying to find an artsy uni too. I love Edinburgh and its city a lot, I feel like if I go there I may enjoy the experience more simply because of how much I love the place already. Whereas other art universities I’ve looked into and been to open days in, I don’t like the places they’re in, and my mood and feelings really depend on my surroundings… (talking from the perspective of a girl who hates her city LOL) but I’m open to any other recommendations!

Well Edinburgh is gorg! Good luck with your studies you sound like you’ve got it sorted :smile:

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