The Student Room Group

when does final year uni finish for biomedical science students at BCU

Hi all i would like to know when the last year of university finishes on the biomedical science course at Birmingham city univeristy
Original post by adamhbk323
Hi all i would like to know when the last year of university finishes on the biomedical science course at Birmingham city univeristy

Hi @adamhbk323

If you started back in September this year, you'll probably find that lots of BCU courses finish in the Spring time - usually from April/May. This is really dependent on each course, however, and some students find their courses finish later than this.

If I were you, I would ask your tutors if they have the details of your next semester dates. You can also speak to your faculty office about term dates too - either in person or via email using the contact details here:

Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

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