The Student Room Group

Should I apply to UCL?

Hi, I am currently studying physics maths and french a level with AS level further maths and my predicted grades are A*AAA respectively.
I was thinking about applying to UCL for theoretical physics which requires A*AA but I’m anxious to apply when I am only just on this boundary. I know UCL is really competitive and I don’t want to waste one of my choices on somewhere I likely won’t get into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you :smile:
Original post by Libby_111
Hi, I am currently studying physics maths and french a level with AS level further maths and my predicted grades are A*AAA respectively.
I was thinking about applying to UCL for theoretical physics which requires A*AA but I’m anxious to apply when I am only just on this boundary. I know UCL is really competitive and I don’t want to waste one of my choices on somewhere I likely won’t get into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you :smile:

Yes, you should. It’s only one of 5 options. Good luck
Original post by Libby_111
Hi, I am currently studying physics maths and french a level with AS level further maths and my predicted grades are A*AAA respectively.
I was thinking about applying to UCL for theoretical physics which requires A*AA but I’m anxious to apply when I am only just on this boundary. I know UCL is really competitive and I don’t want to waste one of my choices on somewhere I likely won’t get into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you :smile:

Honestly why not just give it a try? U still got 4 other options. I'm applying to imperial and definitely gon get rejected lol
Reply 3
Original post by Libby_111
Hi, I am currently studying physics maths and french a level with AS level further maths and my predicted grades are A*AAA respectively.
I was thinking about applying to UCL for theoretical physics which requires A*AA but I’m anxious to apply when I am only just on this boundary. I know UCL is really competitive and I don’t want to waste one of my choices on somewhere I likely won’t get into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you :smile:

Dont worry, once your atleast at the minimum requirement boundary, they have a bit less concern for grades and would then focus more on the rest of your application. Aslong as your predicted meets the standard entry requirement, they wont look THAT much further into it as all they would ask for is the A*AA (is thats the normal offer) so any higher may only help in showing your either inflated or top competitor- dont need to be the best to get offer. Ace the rest of your application like ps, reference etc and it should be a reasonable aspirational for you.

Also just wondering, have you considered doing FM to A level instead of French (if you skl offers it)? Not saying you need to but may be very helpful for theoretical physics degree.

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