The Student Room Group

MPhil Social Anthropology Applicants 25-26

Making a thread for MPhil in Social Anthropology applicants!
I'm an international applicant from Croatia, and I submitted my application on November 30. Hoping to get some kind of funding as well!
Reply 1
Original post by czajuszka
Making a thread for MPhil in Social Anthropology applicants!
I'm an international applicant from Croatia, and I submitted my application on November 30. Hoping to get some kind of funding as well!

Hello! I submitted 3rd December from UK. I hope I get some funding too
Reply 2
Original post by yaia1234
Hello! I submitted 3rd December from UK. I hope I get some funding too

Fingers crossed! Let's keep each other updated. 🙂 I am currently under the department review, don't know how long this phase will last, but I feel like we won't know anything until after New Year's..
Reply 3
Original post by czajuszka
Fingers crossed! Let's keep each other updated. 🙂 I am currently under the department review, don't know how long this phase will last, but I feel like we won't know anything until after New Year's..

I’m at this stage too today! I think we should hear back January or Feb hopefully, yes for sure will keep updating! Hopefully it’s good news :smile:
Reply 4
Fingers crossed, should get feedbacks by February - March!
Reply 5
Original post by simongex
Fingers crossed, should get feedbacks by February - March!

The wait is killing meee, it's still on department review. 😓 I just need some change in status...
Reply 6
Original post by czajuszka
The wait is killing meee, it's still on department review. 😓 I just need some change in status...

I know right! The wait is hard but most applicants will hear back at that time. Early change in status is not good news usually
Hi all! I’m an international applicant who applied on December 3rd right before the Gates deadline. I checked last year’s thread for this degree and it seems they sent out the initial rejections around this time last year and the offers were sent out later in February. Let’s keep each other updated :smile:
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Reply 8
Original post by linnibobs
Hi all! I’m an international applicant who applied on December 4th right before the Gates deadline. I checked last year’s thread for this degree and it seems they sent out the initial rejections around this time last year and the offers were sent out later in February. Let’s keep each other updated :smile:

I'm super impatient hahahah I was thinking of emaling the department just to ask what's up, since I'm still on department review. This would be week 9 already
Original post by czajuszka
I'm super impatient hahahah I was thinking of emaling the department just to ask what's up, since I'm still on department review. This would be week 9 already

I’m on department review as well, I think we’ll either see decision pending or get a rejection within the next 2 weeks maybe 🙂 I’ve heard of people getting updates after emailing, so it might be worth a shot. If you do try it let us know how it goes and if you hear anything back!
Reply 10
Original post by linnibobs
I’m on department review as well, I think we’ll either see decision pending or get a rejection within the next 2 weeks maybe 🙂 I’ve heard of people getting updates after emailing, so it might be worth a shot. If you do try it let us know how it goes and if you hear anything back!

It does make me feel a bit better that there are othe people in the same situation, both for SocAnthro and other courses. I think I'll see if anything happens next week, if not, I'll email the department and let you know their response.
Original post by czajuszka
It does make me feel a bit better that there are othe people in the same situation, both for SocAnthro and other courses. I think I'll see if anything happens next week, if not, I'll email the department and let you know their response.
Here’s last year’s thread for reference, I tried looking for 2023 but couldn’t find it. Judging by this timeline us still being on department review is a good sign 🙂 those who didn't get rejections by the end of January got offers. Not sure how consistent the department is year to year through.
On the course website it states that they use “gathered field” assessment and there should have been a session in January, so we should probably hear back really soon.
Any updates on application or funding?
Original post by Anonymous
Any updates on application or funding?

Still nothing, getting closer to the 12 week mark :')
Original post by czajuszka
Still nothing, getting closer to the 12 week mark :')

Been on DP for more than 2 weeks now😪 hate the wait! But no news is good news for now I guess!
Original post by Anonymous
Been on DP for more than 2 weeks now😪 hate the wait! But no news is good news for now I guess!

Ooh, you're on DP? I'm still under department review 🥲
Original post by czajuszka
Ooh, you're on DP? I'm still under department review 🥲

Looks like they're taking their sweet time! I also wonder when we will hear anything about funding soon -- looks like some other departments have heard back already!
Anyone heard anything? I'm still on DP
Original post by Anonymous
Anyone heard anything? I'm still on DP

Still on department review 🥲

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