The Student Room Group

Views on spoilers

I used to never mind spoilers, instead I would read the wiki page before or whilst watching the movie to see what happens. However recently I've been avoiding spoilers more and more and was just wondering if anyone else ever used to not mind it but now starting to really hate spoilers.
I avoid spoilers when I am interest in a film to watch. It makes no sense to go for a film whem the plot or part of it is known.
Reply 2
Original post by Kallisto
I avoid spoilers when I am interest in a film to watch. It makes no sense to go for a film whem the plot or part of it is known.

What do you think about rewatching movies. Does it take quality away if you know whats going to happen? Do you not have a favourite movie that you can rewatch even if you know what happens? Just general conversation btw.
Original post by madalt
I used to never mind spoilers, instead I would read the wiki page before or whilst watching the movie to see what happens. However recently I've been avoiding spoilers more and more and was just wondering if anyone else ever used to not mind it but now starting to really hate spoilers.

I don't really mind spoilers much anymore (thank you anxiety...). For me it's more how the characters end up at a particular point and how the story develops :smile:
I like to read the spoilers if the movie is boring me to see if it's worth wasting my time watching it :tongue:

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