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i won't have my favourite lecturer next semester: no motivation to continue

lsr: i had a rough start to university and was keen on dropping out quite soon. once i began one of my modules, the lecturer completely changed my mindest and made me enjoy university, i became motivated to work hard, come to class ect. but next semester i wont have her, and i feel like there is no point continuing. advice?
Hi there anon,

Thanks for reaching out. Its really difficult when a situation like this happens and I'm sorry to hear you had a difficult start to uni. What I would advise is to try to look back six months and remember how far you've come and everything you've achieved to get to where you are. The fact that you've got into your uni and navigated the huge change even when things were really difficult is something you should give yourself credit for. I would advise...

What was it about this lecturer that inspired you? Is there a way you can remember and bring to mind what she taught you to help you find your motivation again? I had a very similar situation to you in that I found this one lecturer really inspired me to do well in S1, who we didn't get in S2. It was a shame but the mindsdet they taught me stayed 🙂

Can you remember the reasons you applied in the first place? What was it about this uni or this course that inspired you?

Start believing in yourself - you are clearly a very capable and talented student having got into uni, so why don't you just see how it goes this semester - even though your best lecturer may not be there, it may not turn out as negatively as you think and you may well find other lecturers who inspire you too

One more thing I'd recommend is to try not to see uni as only work - perhaps look into working part time, joining a society or arranging a few fun things to do with friends and family over Christmas. Its important to give yourself enough time doing things you enjoy to recharge. You may find that after a break and a bit more variety in your uni life you may feel better!

I really hope this helps a bit - I know it can be really difficult but try to stay strong, because things are rarely as bad as they seem 🙂

University of Bath

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