The Student Room Group

I want to learn guitar

when I was in year 9 I bought a guitar second hand and tried learning it using websites and YouTube videos but I couldn’t get the hang of it after a couple chords and gave up. However I really want to learn it now because I don’t really have any hobbies apart from reading. I also had really unrealistic expectations of the musical progress I’d make back then (I have absolutely no musical knowledge at all)- I wanted to be a pro player in like a year which is unreasonable. Now that I’m older I want to try again, but my parents won’t pay for me to have music lessons and idk how to teach myself since they won’t pay for an app like simply guitar either. If anyone has any suggestions on where to start or what to start with id really appreciate it!
Original post by aleeza07
when I was in year 9 I bought a guitar second hand and tried learning it using websites and YouTube videos but I couldn’t get the hang of it after a couple chords and gave up. However I really want to learn it now because I don’t really have any hobbies apart from reading. I also had really unrealistic expectations of the musical progress I’d make back then (I have absolutely no musical knowledge at all)- I wanted to be a pro player in like a year which is unreasonable. Now that I’m older I want to try again, but my parents won’t pay for me to have music lessons and idk how to teach myself since they won’t pay for an app like simply guitar either. If anyone has any suggestions on where to start or what to start with id really appreciate it!

I would learn song by song - I teach myself drums I just learnt how to read sheet musics, chose a song (I’m in a band) and learnt it. Sheet music is everywhere for guitar, I recommend the Tabs app. So yeah choose a song - make sure it’s not too hard - and just learn it. You’ll make progress and it will be fun!
Reply 2
Original post by offshore-cauldro
I would learn song by song - I teach myself drums I just learnt how to read sheet musics, chose a song (I’m in a band) and learnt it. Sheet music is everywhere for guitar, I recommend the Tabs app. So yeah choose a song - make sure it’s not too hard - and just learn it. You’ll make progress and it will be fun!

How did u learn to read sheet music? I’m kinda lost on what to use, and I think I have a bit more to learn before I jump right into learning chords or songs because I honestly don’t even know what major and minor is 😭😭
Hey, so I just learnt drum notation which is hella easy. It might be worth investing in a book to teach you how to read guitar sheet music? That’s what my sister did and she’s really good now.
How old are you? Can you pay for your own lessons?
Here it's £15 for a 30 minute lesson. One lesson a week is sufficient to start off.
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 5
I wouldn't use any apps to learn I'm self taught purely off of youtube, learn song by song. Start with the easy stuff and work your way up, I knew literally nothing going in now I can do improv solos and play pretty technical songs.

Trust the process and eventually you'll get there (also learn how to read guitar tab)

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