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Looking for advice for oxford interview for music

Hi .. any guidance towards my interview to read music would be very grateful 🙏🏻
Re-read your personal statement and written work in case questions on those come up. (They may not, but equally they may! I had a whole music interview on my PS, and then another whole music interview on my written work!)

Revise sonata form and make sure you are confident in explaining it and identifying it/applying it to scores. If possible, brush up on derivatives, e.g. sonata rondo form. That said - be prepared to be given anything for the analysis section of the interview (including 20th/21st century scores!).

If you've read it already, re-reading Nicholas Cook's Music: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford Uni Press) is good practice for the musicology side of things. If you haven't already read it, please don't try and read it now, it'll just stress you out.

If a question is tricky and you need a moment to pause and think, it's OK to state this ("can I just have a moment to think about my answer, please?"). Don't start talk straightaway unless you know what you want to say!

Think aloud and talk the interviewer through your thinking. Don't be afraid to change your mind when presented with new info, or even halfway through your own answer.

Good luck :h:

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