The Student Room Group

Sussex Inspires

Sorry if this in the wrong thread, I could not find any other place where this could be appropriate.

I got invited to come to Sussex inspires welcome day and their year 12 programme. They have already paid for my train travel, so I don't have to pay for tickets. But I was wondering if it is really worth going to, since it is a 2h+ journey to get to sussex, and another 2h+ back (I am in london.) Would it really be worth me going all the way down to brighton? would it make me standout somewhat in my applications for UCAS? any help is appreciated.
Original post by hdjah
Sorry if this in the wrong thread, I could not find any other place where this could be appropriate.
I got invited to come to Sussex inspires welcome day and their year 12 programme. They have already paid for my train travel, so I don't have to pay for tickets. But I was wondering if it is really worth going to, since it is a 2h+ journey to get to sussex, and another 2h+ back (I am in london.) Would it really be worth me going all the way down to brighton? would it make me standout somewhat in my applications for UCAS? any help is appreciated.

No, it will not give you an advantage over other applicants apart from the fact that it could be the place you spend the next 5ish years of your life (I don't know what course you are applying to)
If it were me in your shoes, I would. I would have to get a feel for the area to determine whether it would be a good place to live or not, and you don't even have to pay for the tickets.
Unless you have anything more important on, why not?
Reply 2
Original post by stilllearning123
No, it will not give you an advantage over other applicants apart from the fact that it could be the place you spend the next 5ish years of your life (I don't know what course you are applying to)
If it were me in your shoes, I would. I would have to get a feel for the area to determine whether it would be a good place to live or not, and you don't even have to pay for the tickets.
Unless you have anything more important on, why not?

I dont intend on going to sussex univeristy, but I want to rack up some experience
Original post by hdjah
I dont intend on going to sussex univeristy, but I want to rack up some experience

Some experience of a uni that you don't intend on going to?
Reply 4
Original post by stilllearning123
Some experience of a uni that you don't intend on going to?

so im guessing its kind of useless for me to go? I was speaking to someone from my school, and they said that even thought I do not intend to go, it could still be useful as it could show unis that you are determined to do Supercurricular
Original post by hdjah
so im guessing its kind of useless for me to go? I was speaking to someone from my school, and they said that even thought I do not intend to go, it could still be useful as it could show unis that you are determined to do Supercurricular

Obviously you should go to the uni's you intend on attending later in life, but I don't see any point in you doing this if you don't want to, no.

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