I am a student from the UK (England) and I’m soon going to get my predicted grades, but I roughly know that they’re going to be A*AA. I think this translates to a 4.0 gpa but I’m not too sure.
I’m interested in studying computer science, and knowing how competitive the ivy's are, especially for international students, I’m doubting my extra curricular activities.
My extra curricular activity’s are:
1. Tutoring GCSEs students in maths and Computer Science
2. Volunteering, organising networking and panelist events, and creating projects with a charity dedicated to giving young people recourses in
helping them in their academic journeys
3. I’ve completed several work experiences, my most reputable one being with Fujitsu but it was virtual so I’m concerned it won’t be taken as seriously
4.I do taekwondo and am currently a red belt. I have participated in sparring competitions and won gold several times, but just before I was going to compete on a national level, my family could no longer afford it. However I am soon going to rejoin, and believe that I could begin to compete on an intercollegiate level if I get accepted to a school in the US, but I’m still contemplating whether this is still worth mentioning.
5. I am currently completing a Data Science course and have coded my own personal projects
6. I won silver in the senior maths challenge (UKMT)
7. In January I will be assigned a mentor that works in the computer science sector and will be able to work on several projects with them.
Even though this feels like a lot, after seeing the much more impressive and countless extra curriculars other students have done, I’m feeling discouraged and don’t think it’s worth applying.
I have extenuating circumstances for my GCSEs because my mother got very sick during y10-11, but I’m worried that university’s in the US won’t care like the UK unis do.
Is it worth applying it?