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Year 12 law advice

Is it heavily recommended I do a Law LLB or is even basically compulsory if I want to be a barrister ? I know they say you can do any undergraduate degree and do a one year conversion but i dont know if it is worth it . Will it hinder me in any way ? I kind of want to do a human geography undergraduate . Alsoooo i want to be a human rights lawyers :smile:
Original post by futuredrlawyer
Is it heavily recommended I do a Law LLB or is even basically compulsory if I want to be a barrister ? I know they say you can do any undergraduate degree and do a one year conversion but i dont know if it is worth it . Will it hinder me in any way ? I kind of want to do a human geography undergraduate . Alsoooo i want to be a human rights lawyers :smile:

Approximately fifty percent of practising barristers don't have law degrees.

Study the subject you most like.
Original post by futuredrlawyer
Is it heavily recommended I do a Law LLB or is even basically compulsory if I want to be a barrister ? I know they say you can do any undergraduate degree and do a one year conversion but i dont know if it is worth it . Will it hinder me in any way ? I kind of want to do a human geography undergraduate . Alsoooo i want to be a human rights lawyers :smile:


No, it is not compulsory to study a Law LLB to become a barrister. as there are options after undergraduate degrees like law conversion courses .This one-year program allows non-law graduates to gain the foundational legal knowledge needed to progress toward the Bar Training Course (BTC).

Studying a subject you’re passionate about, even if it is not law can offer unique perspectives and transferable skills, like critical analysis and research, which are highly valued in the legal profession. However, an LLB gives you an earlier immersion into law and reduce the time and cost compared to doing a conversion course plus its a great introductory to the world of law. And because you will be studying a range of areas of law, you can get a feel for what you enjoy most and want to pursue further, for instance I have chosen to study the international pathway and have found it incredibly interesting shaping my idea of what I would like to do after this degree. Ultimately, both paths are equally valid, and your choice depends on what your preference is academically and personally. I would also say, visit open days and attend both course talks for law and human geography and talk to student ambassadors and even academic on the day, it could help point you in the right direction.

Best wishes,

Sabba | Coventry University Student Ambassador | Law LLB

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