The Student Room Group

Social work experience

Hi, I’m currently in Year 11 going into Year 12 and wanting to peruse social work, or at least look into it. I’m 16, but am struggling to find any work experience that will accept any under 18s. I really want to find out whether I want to go into this field, and if I do I want to go to a Russel Group so work experience will look great on my statement. Thank you!
Sorry I don’t have any advice but having similar struggles. I have a feeling I’d like social work but don’t want to start a whole degree in it unless I know what it’s actually like!
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Original post by cathyem
Hi, I’m currently in Year 11 going into Year 12 and wanting to peruse social work, or at least look into it. I’m 16, but am struggling to find any work experience that will accept any under 18s. I really want to find out whether I want to go into this field, and if I do I want to go to a Russel Group so work experience will look great on my statement. Thank you!

Hey! Speaking from experience of currently doing Social Work degree interviews (got my first offer today) make the most of the education sector (e.g your primary school)- it is your best bet to experience the basics of safeguarding. Nurseries on a long term placement are also great as you can learn policies, procedures, HASAWA, conflict resolution, collaborative working etc. Unfortunately you will struggle to get any experience in social care (e.g care homes) until you are 18- I am 17 and it’s virtually impossible. If you wanted to discuss social issues, maybe volunteer at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, food bank etc. In social work- you must demonstrate you meet the entry level professional capabilities framework ( so take a look at this and consider what opportunities you have done or could do and how you could adapt them to demonstrate this. It’s cliche and we all hate teachers saying it- but student councils really do help in demonstrating both the professionalism and leadership components. I work as a waiter part time- so in my personal statement, I spoke about the social issue of alcohol misuse and how I witnessed that at work. Ultimately- when they say experience, what they really want is to see a wide range of opportunities you have undertaken that have informed your view on social work. I know it’s not the best answer, but because of laws in place about underage workers in certain environments it can be tricky. If you want any more info or advice please do let me know!! All the best, and if you do social work, just know it is a diverse, fulfilling career- and the options are unlimited if you are fully committed to it!

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