The Student Room Group

College/sixth form options

My parents are applying me for a few sixth forms and colleges but I'm not done with year 11 until like June 2025 so I've still got time but out of all the options the ones I'm really considering are bilborough sixth form college and nottingham college. If you're a student going to either or who has been there or even knows someone who's gone there and told you about it, I'd like to hear what you have to say. I did look up the schools websites but obviously the schools aren't going to give you an honest opinion about them they're gonna give you the information that makes them look better. Like do they make you wear uniform or have a dress code (if so what are the specifics), how big are the classes? What are the clubs and societies like(can you be in multiple)? Which one has better facilities? Do either have any academic awards in particular that'll look good to unis? How are the students and teachers like? Are there trips often? Which one is stricter? Do they have head boy/head girl positions or some sort of student council? Which one had more transport options to get there? Basically any and all information about the two institutions is gonna be useful.

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