The Student Room Group

how likely am i with getting into UCL?

GCSE 9888887777
A level A*A*A (maths, econ, further maths)

hi i was wondering if anyone could help me as i’m worried that my predicted grades won’t be enough in comparison to others. i know UCL economics is a very competitive course so i’d like to be realistic as possible
Reply 1
Original post by somkenee
GCSE 9888887777
A level A*A*A (maths, econ, further maths)
hi i was wondering if anyone could help me as i’m worried that my predicted grades won’t be enough in comparison to others. i know UCL economics is a very competitive course so i’d like to be realistic as possible

That is amazing. You have a good chance based on those grades and topics. You are already in a good position. If you don’t get into UCL it will be because of high competition. This should not stop you applying to other equally good universities. Attend open days. Get to know the lecturers and admission tutor on the open day. Honestly please don’t stress. Be confident. Whichever uni you attend you will have the best experience and career. Visit some of the other universities open days too.
Find out what UCL has to offer as extra curricular activities and talk about these at the interview. Everyone will have A stars, so it sometimes comes down to demonstrating how you love sports or other activities that UCL have to offer. Good luck!
Original post by somkenee
GCSE 9888887777
A level A*A*A (maths, econ, further maths)

hi i was wondering if anyone could help me as i’m worried that my predicted grades won’t be enough in comparison to others. i know UCL economics is a very competitive course so i’d like to be realistic as possible

It will be a matter of just waiting to see if you get an offer. It is a competitive course at a competitive uni. Where else have you applied?
Reply 3
Original post by RadTutor
That is amazing. You have a good chance based on those grades and topics. You are already in a good position. If you don’t get into UCL it will be because of high competition. This should not stop you applying to other equally good universities. Attend open days. Get to know the lecturers and admission tutor on the open day. Honestly please don’t stress. Be confident. Whichever uni you attend you will have the best experience and career. Visit some of the other universities open days too.
Find out what UCL has to offer as extra curricular activities and talk about these at the interview. Everyone will have A stars, so it sometimes comes down to demonstrating how you love sports or other activities that UCL have to offer. Good luck!

thank you so much i really needed that!!
Reply 4
Original post by normaw
It will be a matter of just waiting to see if you get an offer. It is a competitive course at a competitive uni. Where else have you applied?

i’ve applied to bath, nottingham, leeds and royal holloway
Reply 5
Original post by somkenee
i’ve applied to bath, nottingham, leeds and royal holloway

Any offer replied from those unis?
Original post by RadTutor
Find out what UCL has to offer as extra curricular activities and talk about these at the interview. Everyone will have A stars, so it sometimes comes down to demonstrating how you love sports or other activities that UCL have to offer. Good luck!

Unis rarely interview for academic courses and UCL doesn't interview for economics.

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