The Student Room Group

My Chances for law?

Hi all! I know you can’t fully tell me my chances of getting in but I’m going mental from the wait so I was wondering if you all thought I might get in? I applied for law and french everywhere except for kings where I applied for ppl. I’m waiting for decisions from kings, ucl, and Bristol. I got an offer from Exeter and rejected from Oxford (before the interview). I don’t think the lnat went amazing as both official practise exams I did I got 22. I was happy with my personal statement until I read some stuff and I realise it might be to basic (I mentioned the rule of the law for example which apparently everyone mentions). I’m a home and non contextual student. My predicted grades are not typical a levels and I have many more subjects but in most I have grades ranging from 17/20
to 19/20. The worst is 16,5 in maths (although it is one of my a level equivalents). For reference my offer for Exeter is for 14/20 and for UCL I would have to get 15.5 overall on my exams at the end of the year. If I’m remembering correctly most unies would equivoke 17/20 to A* or A… I know no one can give me a rifiniture answer but can anyone tell me what they think of my chances from this info? Oh and Bristol put me on hold.
Many thanks!
Reply 1
! I'm also in year 13 so what I say may not be entirely helpful !

It would be quite difficult to know without having a look at the personal statement. Imo grades are the thing they look least at, since the moment you match their minimum target you're competent enough for them academically.
Another thing - did you have to do an entrance exam? If so, how did that go?

Congrats on Exeter btw! That's a pretty good sign of a strong application so far :smile:
Original post by Asvin0409
! I'm also in year 13 so what I say may not be entirely helpful !
It would be quite difficult to know without having a look at the personal statement. Imo grades are the thing they look least at, since the moment you match their minimum target you're competent enough for them academically.
Another thing - did you have to do an entrance exam? If so, how did that go?
Congrats on Exeter btw! That's a pretty good sign of a strong application so far :smile:

Thanks! I was rly hoping the grades would count more actually bcs they’re the only thing I can be certain about but oh well…
For the entrance exam I did the lnat if that’s what you mean? That’s the only entry exam required by the universities I applied to (and Exeter doesn’t even require it)… if you were talking about the lnat I have absolutely no idea how it went. In my practises I did really bad but hoping that miraculously I did better in the real thing, Bristol putting me on hold rather than outright rejecting me does give me hope, but I was rejected from Oxford (and as my grades would probably be good enough I think it must be the lnat or personal statement- ofc I know it’s a rly competitive uni). And my acceptance from Exeter doesn’t much reassure in that aspect as they don’t look at the lnat

Thanks a lot anyhow ! Just felt like a rant, so as to not annoy my surrounding with this constant stress. If you’re in hear 13 I imagine you’ll also be applying? How’s it going? Are you also applying for law?
Reply 3
Original post by … …
Thanks! I was rly hoping the grades would count more actually bcs they’re the only thing I can be certain about but oh well…
For the entrance exam I did the lnat if that’s what you mean? That’s the only entry exam required by the universities I applied to (and Exeter doesn’t even require it)… if you were talking about the lnat I have absolutely no idea how it went. In my practises I did really bad but hoping that miraculously I did better in the real thing, Bristol putting me on hold rather than outright rejecting me does give me hope, but I was rejected from Oxford (and as my grades would probably be good enough I think it must be the lnat or personal statement- ofc I know it’s a rly competitive uni). And my acceptance from Exeter doesn’t much reassure in that aspect as they don’t look at the lnat
Thanks a lot anyhow ! Just felt like a rant, so as to not annoy my surrounding with this constant stress. If you’re in hear 13 I imagine you’ll also be applying? How’s it going? Are you also applying for law?
Yeahhhh it's so annoying with the LNAT, you only know how you've done in mid Feb. Oxbridge cut offs for LNAT tend to be really high, so even if you were rejected from them it could still be a very solid score for other universities.

In this case though I wouldn't worry about it at all, trust your gut and try to keep patient. Ik it's hard, I've heard that a lot of my unis tend to respond in March, so I've got a hellishly long wait too haha. Hand on heart based on the info though, I'd still say you've got a decent shot, I wouldn't panic if I were you.

My applications have been going well, thanks for asking! Had a Cambridge interview recently (which I think I low-key botched) but I'm keeping myself in high spirits. I'm also applying for law too, so looks like we're both on the same page haha. If you've got any socials then I'd love to get in touch 🙂
Original post by Asvin0409
Yeahhhh it's so annoying with the LNAT, you only know how you've done in mid Feb. Oxbridge cut offs for LNAT tend to be really high, so even if you were rejected from them it could still be a very solid score for other universities.
In this case though I wouldn't worry about it at all, trust your gut and try to keep patient. Ik it's hard, I've heard that a lot of my unis tend to respond in March, so I've got a hellishly long wait too haha. Hand on heart based on the info though, I'd still say you've got a decent shot, I wouldn't panic if I were you.
My applications have been going well, thanks for asking! Had a Cambridge interview recently (which I think I low-key botched) but I'm keeping myself in high spirits. I'm also applying for law too, so looks like we're both on the same page haha. If you've got any socials then I'd love to get in touch 🙂
Exactly. On the one hand I kind of understand why they might only divulge the results after everyone has passed but on the other hand I feel they could tell us the results immediately (for the multiple choice question part) so that we can apply to universities accordingly.
Same, they operate "gather the field" policies but I'm hoping that they might start as early as January (and hoping that it's good news because ultimately whenever they answer the most important I guess is the actual response). Thanks by the way but as I'm sure you understand it's impossible not to panic.
That's really amazing that you got an interview for Cambridge and it bodes really well for all your other applications! I would be really proud! And even if for some reason it didn't go well you'll always know you got the interview. Where else did you apply btw?
I'd give you my socials but not so sure about posting it here as its a public forum...
Reply 5
Yeah exactly, something like UCAT where they tell you your results right after you do the test would be so much more helpful. You're right, I feel hypocritical saying to not stress because I'm getting really tense over waiting for offers too haha.

Thank you for the really nice words, means a lot! I've also applied to LSE, UCL, KCL and Durham, plus I'm starting to apply to some degree apprenticeships too. Hopefully I hear back from some of them soon 🤞

Yeah I get that. I think there's a private messaging system on Student Room if you're more comfortable with sending it that way
Original post by Asvin0409
Yeah exactly, something like UCAT where they tell you your results right after you do the test would be so much more helpful. You're right, I feel hypocritical saying to not stress because I'm getting really tense over waiting for offers too haha.
Thank you for the really nice words, means a lot! I've also applied to LSE, UCL, KCL and Durham, plus I'm starting to apply to some degree apprenticeships too. Hopefully I hear back from some of them soon 🤞
Yeah I get that. I think there's a private messaging system on Student Room if you're more comfortable with sending it that way

Oh good luck, I hope you hear back (positively)! I genuinely think I have to stop looking at these threads on TSR because I just heard of people getting law offers from KCL and as much as I'm happy for them it's really damn stressful. Sure you can send me your insta account by message if you want :smile:
Reply 7
Original post by … …
Oh good luck, I hope you hear back (positively)! I genuinely think I have to stop looking at these threads on TSR because I just heard of people getting law offers from KCL and as much as I'm happy for them it's really damn stressful. Sure you can send me your insta account by message if you want :smile:

Thank you, same for you as well! Honestly, I've spent over 4 hours in the past few days alone looking at other people's offers and results, I'm gonna stop doing that now. All it's done is make me get more nervous about my own situation lmao
Original post by Asvin0409
Thank you, same for you as well! Honestly, I've spent over 4 hours in the past few days alone looking at other people's offers and results, I'm gonna stop doing that now. All it's done is make me get more nervous about my own situation lmao

At least we're not alone in this obsession! I looked again and someone in the exact same situation as me (non contextual and European but home fees applicant) received an offer to KCL, so they've definitely started with whatever category I'm in
Reply 9
Original post by … …
At least we're not alone in this obsession! I looked again and someone in the exact same situation as me (non contextual and European but home fees applicant) received an offer to KCL, so they've definitely started with whatever category I'm in

It's good to hear that someone in a similar situation had a good outcome, maybe these threads are finally starting to help after all 😭 I have faith that you'll be able to gets your remaining offers, just sucks that they take so long to come through haha. Gonna start doing my degree apprenticeship apps to pass the time for now, UCAS clearly doesn't want to see me happy at the moment
Congrats on the offer! As another 6th year student I don’t know how helpful this is, but the practices on the web page seem to be generally agreed to be harder than the actual exam if that’s comforting:smile:
Original post by … …
Hi all! I know you can’t fully tell me my chances of getting in but I’m going mental from the wait so I was wondering if you all thought I might get in? I applied for law and french everywhere except for kings where I applied for ppl. I’m waiting for decisions from kings, ucl, and Bristol. I got an offer from Exeter and rejected from Oxford (before the interview). I don’t think the lnat went amazing as both official practise exams I did I got 22. I was happy with my personal statement until I read some stuff and I realise it might be to basic (I mentioned the rule of the law for example which apparently everyone mentions). I’m a home and non contextual student. My predicted grades are not typical a levels and I have many more subjects but in most I have grades ranging from 17/20
to 19/20. The worst is 16,5 in maths (although it is one of my a level equivalents). For reference my offer for Exeter is for 14/20 and for UCL I would have to get 15.5 overall on my exams at the end of the year. If I’m remembering correctly most unies would equivoke 17/20 to A* or A… I know no one can give me a rifiniture answer but can anyone tell me what they think of my chances from this info? Oh and Bristol put me on hold.
Many thanks!

You have an offer from Exeter which is a great uni and a fantastic campus ... one offer can be enough!

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