Guys I don’t know whether this guy likes me or not we have some of the same classes at uni together. I like the guy and would love to get to know him more for the purpose of a relationship. I have his number which I got as we were doing a group presentation together. So I’ve been texting him and he seems like a confident guy in general but when he talks to me it always seems like he’s unsure/ thinking what to say and trying to find the right words. I’ve seen him staring at me a lot as well which made me think I might have a chance with him. I tried to tell him about my feelings and said to the guy I don’t want to be weird but that I see him as more than a friend. The thing is when I did he seemed really surprised almost bewildered and his response was whether I was telling the truth and that he doesn’t feel weird about me telling him that (this was on text). I said of course I am and we just carried on texting as normal in a friendly way. Then I decided to tell him I would like to meet him and his response was meet him for what? I replied then basically saying nevermind and I don’t think you got what I meant. He’s seen it but he hasn’t replied to it.My question is what do you guys think of this guys behaviour. I couldn’t really have been more clear at telling him how I feel. Was his response a rejection or does he still not know what I mean?