The Student Room Group

University of Liverpool and Brighton physiotherapy interview

I've been invited to interview for Liverpool and Brighton's physio, what sort of questions should I expect? and if I mentioned about EPQ will they ask anything on it. Thank you
Original post by primitive-foresi
I've been invited to interview for Liverpool and Brighton's physio, what sort of questions should I expect? and if I mentioned about EPQ will they ask anything on it. Thank you

There are some tips in the following thread for healthcare interviews:

Learn the NHS values and six Cs and relate your answers to scenario questions and your work experience to them. If your EPQ is related to physio or healthcare, then you might be asked questions about it.
Original post by primitive-foresi
I've been invited to interview for Liverpool and Brighton's physio, what sort of questions should I expect? and if I mentioned about EPQ will they ask anything on it. Thank you

Hi @primitive-foresi

Congratulations on your interview invite! 😃

The University of Brighton are running an Interview preparation online talk and Q+A where you can learn how healthcare interviews work and how you can get prepared. It's a great opportunity to ask your questions to staff and students.

The event will take place on Wednesday 8 January: 5–6pm

I hope this is helpful. Good luck with your interview!

Danielle - Brighton Uni Rep
Reply 3
When is your Liverpool interview? Daughters was last week but she’s not heard back yet.
Original post by SaD17
When is your Liverpool interview? Daughters was last week but she’s not heard back yet.

Did the interviewer say when you daughter should expect to hear?
Reply 5
Just said ‘very soon’

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