The Student Room Group

What happens if u fail first year module- LSE

I have a confused understanding on this. If I fail a first year module, does this count towards my final degree grade?
Does a resit impact me negatively?
Original post by Anonymous
I have a confused understanding on this. If I fail a first year module, does this count towards my final degree grade?
Does a resit impact me negatively?

It seems to me that failing a single first year module doesn't carry any penalties. Only the best 6 out of 9 units count, and only for a small proportion of the overall classification.

Have a look at the following and see if you agree:
You can resit any failed modules but the university may cap the resit mark at 40%. Thus, even if you ace the resit and get 70%, it will show as 40% on the records. Normally 1st year marks do not go towards your final mark so you have dodged a bullet. Lesson learned, make sure you pass your 2nd and 3rd year modules.

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