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How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

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Original post by Doukkali09
How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

It was easier than expected the only one I know I got wrong was the one with the trapeziums everything else wasn’t that challenging.
Reply 2
Original post by Doukkali09
How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

Multiple choice questions felt good, section B was obviously harder but did working out for the rest, realised I made one or two silly mistakes but overall happy. How did it go for you, and good luck for everyone also hoping for an interview!
Reply 3
Original post by Emibar861
Multiple choice questions felt good, section B was obviously harder but did working out for the rest, realised I made one or two silly mistakes but overall happy. How did it go for you, and good luck for everyone also hoping for an interview!

Yh like Sebastianearl said it was easier than I expected
Reply 4
Did you manage to answer all the questions, a couple at the end I just couldn’t figure out
Original post by Sebastianearl
It was easier than expected the only one I know I got wrong was the one with the trapeziums everything else wasn’t that challenging.

Do you know what the answer was?
Original post by Doukkali09
How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

I thought it was alright in general, multiple choice was good but I couldn’t understand one or two of the questions in section B
Reply 7
Original post by Rshaikhz
yes the answer for it was 16, as you had to make the height of one of the trapeziums (10-x) and the other as x, and theen since you knew one trapeziums area was triple the other ones area you could find x and then subtract the area of both trapzeiumss from the entire shape so it wass 100-(63+21)=16cm2. I must admit the test wass surprisingly easy and I believee i got full marks.

Full marks? I’m finished 😭
Reply 8
Guys how much working did you guys write and also what were your math challenges like? I just want to know how good everyone is.
Reply 9
Original post by Houze
Guys how much working did you guys write and also what were your math challenges like? I just want to know how good everyone is.

as a year 11 this year i got 105 in the smc, and then in year 10 i got disstinction in thee hamilton olympiad
Original post by Houze
Guys how much working did you guys write and also what were your math challenges like? I just want to know how good everyone is.

For most questions I wrote over the amount of lines given but I think I wrote way too much, hence I was really tight on time, but for the easier ones like the number of students one I only wrote a few lines
Reply 11
Is anyone doing imperial math school tomorrow?
Reply 12
Just wanted to ask if ur gender matters interms of whether if ud get into kclms, is there a specific ratio. Can you be judged particularly on this??
Reply 13
Original post by Doukkali09
How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

bro hearing how everyone did, makes me think i flopped
Reply 14
Original post by gws_za
bro hearing how everyone did, makes me think i flopped

I would just remember that the people on this discussion are people who think the test went well, those who thought it went badly probably wouldn’t search for it!
@Rshaikhz, please remove the earlier post, as it uncovers details of the test with some students are still to take it
Reply 16
Original post by Emibar861
I would just remember that the people on this discussion are people who think the test went well, those who thought it went badly probably wouldn’t search for it!

oh yh fairsss, thanks
Reply 17
Original post by gws_za
bro hearing how everyone did, makes me think i flopped

a lot of the time in exams, people who think they did well usually did worse compared to people who think they did worse in a test (illusory superiority). besides, i also think i'm cooked so i have to be a bit delusional...
Reply 18
Original post by Doukkali09
How did everyone find the kings maths school exam?

this is crazy i wrote like two lines for each questions in section B i absolutely flunked that... this guy next to me finished in like 10 minutes too and started sleeping so i panicked goshhh
this is crazy i wrote like two lines for each questions in section B i absolutely flunked that... this guy next to me finished in like 10 minutes too and started sleeping so i panicked goshhh

Yeah your probably cooked but the guy next to you probably looked through the questions and gave up no way he’s doing it that quick..

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