Is this is a genuine post?
I don't know how old you are - but in life you can either get on with what you are physically and emotionally given as a start, do what ever you dream you can achieve and wanted to do or hide away at home (pills or no pills) You can allow yourself to be sucked into the media money orientated marketing ads which have you believe you are totally worthless unless you are physically perfect, use a particular cream, or perfume, have duck lips or implants, or have to be a perfect size 8? Dismiss it all. Save your money, save your sanity (and your well being)
Just who are they kidding? Do you allow yourself to be misled by adults who should know better or maybe you have far too much money? You are the perfect sucker if you allow yourself to be drawn into the perfections of the cosmetic industry. Botox, Lipo, Implants. The CEO's of these industries want you to believe in their created insecurities. Look around you. How many 'real' people are there out there who have the 'perfect' body, the 'perfect' skin, the 'perfect' set of grades, the 'perfect' house etc etc None - But you allow yourself to believe this and then end up beating yourself up at the mercy of other people's harsh criticism.
Please get out of your family control as soon as you are able? Speak to ordinary people. Get help and support from your school or college from the welfare dept. Do not listen to people who want to put you down. There will be enough strangers in life willing to do that (without your family making one in) Words only hurt if you let them. You alone have control of your head. No one can take that from you. That is key. You are in control here. Be kind, be wise. Be yourself. Learn to live with every imperfection you have. Imperfections do not define how beautiful you are. Your personality does. How you treat and think about others defines so much more than hairy legs, bad skin, dropped arches, wing nut ears, squinty eyes, knock knees, thinning hair, builders hands. The list is endless.
Concentrate on everything positive that works on your body. Everyone has something that they don't like about themselves. Everyone will have a greater percentage of a body part according to their genetic make up, and less of some others. If you allow others to exploit any one of those imperfections you will sink in life. Ignore the term 'trigger' You alone allow something to be a psychological trip wire to your calm head space and you alone have the choice to stop this or disappear down a rabbit hole of emotional hurt. This is something you can control. If you can walk, see, laugh, move, dance, hear, even though you may feel depressed you have such a major physical advantage. Don't lose that. Consider someone who is quadriplegic and cannot walk. They would probably give their life to be able to even stand never mind walk. They would gladly swap their immobility for any degree of skin imperfection.
In life you have to have perspective. Your current perspective is probably limited and is amplified by your own family. Get out into the world and see what opportunities await you. Control your mind and start looking outward to the issues and problems ordinary people face. Then you will start to understand that your current mindset is so negative and internally fixated the term 'trigger' is a common phenomenon.