The Student Room Group

please could you complete my survey for my uni research project?

my name is Charlotte and i am a student at the University of Liverpool.
i am currently conducting a survey for my third year research project.
if you have the time please could you complete my survey. it is about attitudes towards psychosis, and it will take 15-20 mins to complete.
thank you!

participants must be at least 18 years old, be able to speak English fluently, and have no previous personal experience of symptoms of psychosis.

here is the link -

the survey is also on surveycircle -
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by charl0tte.e
my name is Charlotte and i am a student at the University of Liverpool.
i am currently conducting a survey for my third year research project.
if you have the time please could you complete my survey. it is about attitudes towards psychosis, and it will take 15-20 mins to complete.
thank you!
participants must be at least 18 years old, be able to speak English fluently, and have no previous personal experience of symptoms of psychosis.
here is the link -
the survey is also on surveycircle -

Done it! Please could you fill out my questionnaire too please? It's about non-clinical autistic traits, personality traits and perceived stress.
Thank you!!
Reply 2
Original post by vkw15
Done it! Please could you fill out my questionnaire too please? It's about non-clinical autistic traits, personality traits and perceived stress.
Thank you!!

thank you!
of course :smile:

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