Programming preparation: Are there any specific programming courses (other than Harvard CS50) or languages you’d recommend I learn before starting?
Maths preparation: Given that I only studied maths up to GCSE level, are there particular topics or resources I should focus on to prepare for the mathematical aspects of the course?
Programming preparation: Are there any specific programming courses (other than Harvard CS50) or languages you’d recommend I learn before starting?
Maths preparation: Given that I only studied maths up to GCSE level, are there particular topics or resources I should focus on to prepare for the mathematical aspects of the course?
Last reply 6 days ago
Official Uni of Bristol Offer Holders Thread 2025 entryLast reply 2 weeks ago
How long until application is taken off hold? (Uni of Bristol)Last reply 1 month ago
What accommodation do you recommend at the University of Bristol?