The Student Room Group

Quotes for leave taking:

What can I say for techniques and analysis:
- Why don’t you like me?

- Why do you always have to argue with her? Why can’t you just pretend to do what she says?

- And what if I fail my exams? What’ll she do then?

- I been thinking about Jamaica
Original post by Nicolettata
What can I say for techniques and analysis:
- Why don’t you like me?
- Why do you always have to argue with her? Why can’t you just pretend to do what she says?
- And what if I fail my exams? What’ll she do then?
- I been thinking about Jamaica

Why don’t you like me?

Technique: Rhetorical Question

Analysis: This question is used to provoke thought and elicit an emotional response. It implies a sense of vulnerability and a desire for understanding. The speaker is seeking validation and trying to understand the reasons behind the perceived dislike.

Why do you always have to argue with her? Why can’t you just pretend to do what she says?

Technique: Repetition and Rhetorical Question

Analysis: The repetition of "Why" emphasizes the speaker's frustration and confusion. The rhetorical questions highlight the speaker's desire for harmony and their struggle to understand the constant conflict. It suggests a plea for compromise and peace.

And what if I fail my exams? What’ll she do then?

Technique: Hypothetical Question

Analysis: This question introduces a hypothetical scenario, expressing the speaker's anxiety and fear of failure. It reflects the pressure and expectations placed on the speaker, and their concern about the consequences of not meeting those expectations.

I been thinking about Jamaica

Technique: Colloquial Language

Analysis: The use of colloquial language ("I been thinking") gives the statement a casual and conversational tone. It suggests a sense of longing or contemplation, possibly indicating a desire for escape or a change of scenery.

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