The Student Room Group

York student roost, frederick house, rathmell hall, Abode what are they like?

Looking into these for next year and wondered if anyone has any insight on them/ lived here before? And any other recommendations/ better options, also do they allow pets? Does anything ever allow pets?
I lived in Abode in second year and it was great! It is the cheapest out of the private accommodations and it is very nice. It is located a 5 minute walk from the supermarkets and a 2 minute walk into town. It's a 25 minute walk to campus west and also has a bus stop nearby. All of these accommodations are overpriced and you won't get too much more from the other accommodations that you can't get at Abode. The others are nicer but not by much. And none of them allow pets unfortunately.
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Original post by York Rep Annika
I lived in Abode in second year and it was great! It is the cheapest out of the private accommodations and it is very nice. It is located a 5 minute walk from the supermarkets and a 2 minute walk into town. It's a 25 minute walk to campus west and also has a bus stop nearby. All of these accommodations are overpriced and you won't get too much more from the other accommodations that you can't get at Abode. The others are nicer but not by much. And none of them allow pets unfortunately.

just come across another called percy's place, do you have any opinions on it? do you know others that have stayed there?

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