The Student Room Group

What uni should I pick out of these for bus and management

Basically I need to decide between royal halloway Brookes Sussex Surrey and reading.

I know reading is probs the best, I’m just deciding on my insurance… I’ve looked into all but it seems Brooke’s overall has a better rep and business school…

Ranking suggest it’s better than the other but I want to know if this is true, if anyone could help that would be great!
You’ve got over 6 months to decide this. Don’t rush and even when you do decide don’t make it official until April at the earliest.

Most universities will have applicant/offer holder days in the spring for you to visit and find out more. Take every opportunity to find out more about ALL your choices.
You’ve got over 6 months to decide this. Don’t rush and even when you do decide don’t make it official until April at the earliest.
Most universities will have applicant/offer holder days in the spring for you to visit and find out more. Take every opportunity to find out more about ALL your choices.

Yeah bro btw all the Brooke’s stuff online is satire. Most people r a bit salty because many of their families are wealthy but there’s also lots of diversity and for a uni less than 100 years old and being ranked 38th in the uk and top 100 for business MBA… not doing too shabby. Just chill atm but yeah I agree after reading for business defo brookes. I got queen Mary’s and their business school is better than mine!!
Original post by hello!!!066
Basically I need to decide between royal halloway Brookes Sussex Surrey and reading.
I know reading is probs the best, I’m just deciding on my insurance… I’ve looked into all but it seems Brooke’s overall has a better rep and business school…
Ranking suggest it’s better than the other but I want to know if this is true, if anyone could help that would be great!
Hi hello!!!066,

We're delighted you're considerring a course with the Business School at Oxford Brookes. If you haven't already, we would really encourage you to visit us at our next Open Day. If you do apply and receive an offer, you will also be invited to our Offer Holder Day in March which will give you great insight into student life here. If you do apply, please do feel free to join our Official Applicant Thread on TSR too 🥳

Best wishes,

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