The Student Room Group

Irish Citizen living in the EU - Fee status?

Hello everyone,
I was born in Ireland and have an Irish passport as well as two other „western“ passports. I have not lived in Ireland since 2012, however. I live in another EU country permanently.
I am thinking about applying to British unis for 2026, especially LSE/Oxford.
I have read many conflicting information online about my fee status. Will I need to pay home fees or foreign fees?
Original post by wotansen1
Hello everyone,
I was born in Ireland and have an Irish passport as well as two other „western“ passports. I have not lived in Ireland since 2012, however. I live in another EU country permanently.
I am thinking about applying to British unis for 2026, especially LSE/Oxford.
I have read many conflicting information online about my fee status. Will I need to pay home fees or foreign fees?

It would seem that you may qualify for home fees provided your course starts before the end of 2027; however, you may not be able to get loans to cover living costs from the UK government. That is, your tuition fees will be like those of home students, but rent, food, other living costs, etc. will have to be self- or otherwise externally- funded.


1) On the webpage: , under the section 'Irish citizens living in the EEA and Switzerland', it says:

"Irish citizens living in the EEA or Switzerland on 31 December 2020 are generally eligible for home fee status and tuition fee loans from Student Finance England for courses starting before 1 January 2028 if they meet all the following conditions:
> they were living in the EEA or Switzerland on 31 December 2020 (or have moved to the UK before this date immediately after living in the EEA or Switzerland)
> they have lived in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar for at least the last 3 years
> they have lived continuously in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar between 31 December 2020 and the start of the course
Irish citizens living in the EU overseas territories on 31 December 2020 continue to be eligible for home fee status in England for courses starting before 1 January 2028"

2) On the webpage: , under the subtitle 'Who can get tuition fees only', it says:

"You can apply for tuition fee funding if you’ve been living in the UK, the EEA, Switzerland or the overseas territories for the past three years and you have:
> an Irish Citizen and you have been living in the EEA and Switzerland before 31 December 2020 and in the UK, Gibraltar, the EEA and Switzerland for the past three years
You will not be eligible for funding to help with living costs. "

This is from a precursory look but these are on the government website so should be somewhat reliable. It may be worth checking individually to be sure.

Note also, since Ireland is in the Common Travel Area, any working restrictions on international students (I think it is capped at 20 hours a week) do not apply to you so self-funding living costs may be slightly easier. Oxford and LSE offer financial assistance also but I would not rely on it as your sole means of funding your living costs.
Reply 2
Hi there,

Have you ever lived in the UK? When do you plan to move to the UK and what country do you currently live in? When did you move to this country and what other passports do you hold?

Thanks, Drew

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