The Student Room Group

Bristol Veterinary Science Offer

Has anyone got their offer from the Bristol vet course?
How long did it take after filling out the supplementary questionnaire form?
Reply 1
just got an offer today! i filled out my saq on 10th November, so it's been exactly a month
Original post by 384052
just got an offer today! i filled out my saq on 10th November, so it's been exactly a month

Well done!! I haven’t gotten offer from Bristol yet! So scareddd
Reply 3
Original post by cashewnuttt
Well done!! I haven’t gotten offer from Bristol yet! So scareddd

Thank you!!! you got this & all the best with your applications!
Original post by 384052
Thank you!!! you got this & all the best with your applications!

thank you , you too!
Reply 5
Does Bristol release offers in batches or all at once? I'm worried because my friend has heard back and she's been put on hold but i haven't heard back at all yet.
Original post by shsr123
Does Bristol release offers in batches or all at once? I'm worried because my friend has heard back and she's been put on hold but i haven't heard back at all yet.

Bristol releases in batches depending on how well they score your SAQ, if you haven't heard back from them it means you still have a chance.
Reply 7
I got an email stating that my application was put on hold this past Saturday...? Is that a good or a bad sign? I submitted the SAQ on November 10th and didn't hear back until December 21st. I have no idea if this means I scored high or low on the SAQ 😭
Reply 8
I deferred to start the BVSc (5 years) this year, get in touch if you want to connect.
still haven’t heard back from Bristol! I submitted mine like 14 November I think
Original post by cashewnuttt
still haven’t heard back from Bristol! I submitted mine like 14 November I think

Same, they’ve not even put mine on hold so I’m getting nervous
Original post by Hollyg56
Same, they’ve not even put mine on hold so I’m getting nervous

yea omg it’s definitely nerve wracking waiting , I hope they get back to us soon! Has anyone else heard back yet
Original post by Hollyg56
Same, they’ve not even put mine on hold so I’m getting nervous

I think we might be part of the last batch as we submitted are one a bit later
Reply 13
i think some people who submitted theirs last minute already heard back from bristol, so it could be that they’re getting through the SAQs in a random order
Original post by 123dz
i think some people who submitted theirs last minute already heard back from bristol, so it could be that they’re getting through the SAQs in a random order

Did they get an offer or were they rejected?
Original post by 123dz
i think some people who submitted theirs last minute already heard back from bristol, so it could be that they’re getting through the SAQs in a random order

I myself was wondering if it was alphabetical... (by surname most likely if so)
Reply 16
Original post by halohjjjj
Did they get an offer or were they rejected?

i don’t recall, but it doesn’t make a difference since you will hear back from them as soon as they go through your application anyway
Reply 17
Original post by lil_ziomek
I myself was wondering if it was alphabetical... (by surname most likely if so)

i don’t believe it is, my surname begins with a B and i only heard back from them recently haha. i’m not sure what the order is, it honestly seems completely random 😂

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