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Pharmacy interview with Bath

I have my pharmacy interview with the University of Bath next Monday, and I don’t know what to expect.

Has anyone done it already or have any tips of advice for it?
Reply 1
Original post by munalove
I have my pharmacy interview with the University of Bath next Monday, and I don’t know what to expect.
Has anyone done it already or have any tips of advice for it?

hi, I applied to bath for pharmacy but haven’t heard back from them. When did you submit your application and what were your predicteds if you don’t mind me asking ?
Original post by munalove
I have my pharmacy interview with the University of Bath next Monday, and I don’t know what to expect.
Has anyone done it already or have any tips of advice for it?

Hey! Me too but Friday, I’ve done interviews for Cardiff and Swansea and they were very similar, just making sure you understand the profession and why you want to do it- and some ethical and maths stations. I think there’s some questions on the email we were sent confirming our interview date 😊 x
Original post by bran747
hi, I applied to bath for pharmacy but haven’t heard back from them. When did you submit your application and what were your predicteds if you don’t mind me asking ?

Hey, I applied about 4 ish weeks ago and got an invite on Friday, they were one of the last out of my options to respond so I wouldn’t panic 😂 x
Reply 4
Original post by bran747
hi, I applied to bath for pharmacy but haven’t heard back from them. When did you submit your application and what were your predicteds if you don’t mind me asking ?

I submitted my application on the 25th of October and predicted AAB
Reply 5
Original post by Kkkkkkvddryiikpp
Hey! Me too but Friday, I’ve done interviews for Cardiff and Swansea and they were very similar, just making sure you understand the profession and why you want to do it- and some ethical and maths stations. I think there’s some questions on the email we were sent confirming our interview date 😊 x

omg I did Cardiff too have you heard back from them after your interview yet?
Original post by munalove
omg I did Cardiff too have you heard back from them after your interview yet?

Hey! Yes I heard back from Cardiff last week- what about you?
I also did the bath interview yesterday and it’s nothing to worry about, very similar to Cardiff tbh and they tell you if you got the maths right xx
Reply 7
Original post by munalove
I have my pharmacy interview with the University of Bath next Monday, and I don’t know what to expect.
Has anyone done it already or have any tips of advice for it?

i had mine yesterday!

it was pretty relaxed, my interviewer just asked me about my motivations and skills. second part is a situational judgment related to pharmacy. theres also 2 maths questions related to drug dosing. the calculations were easy but make sure you read the question fully because i went about the second question entirely wrong lol... but the interviewer is there to help you and he gave me a little prompt to approach the question differently and i then got it right.

good luck and don't be worried about it. also, if you dont know the gphc professional standards they are good to know and use in your answers. and always have a question or two prepared!
Reply 8
Original post by chloeava34
i had mine yesterday!
it was pretty relaxed, my interviewer just asked me about my motivations and skills. second part is a situational judgment related to pharmacy. theres also 2 maths questions related to drug dosing. the calculations were easy but make sure you read the question fully because i went about the second question entirely wrong lol... but the interviewer is there to help you and he gave me a little prompt to approach the question differently and i then got it right.
good luck and don't be worried about it. also, if you dont know the gphc professional standards they are good to know and use in your answers. and always have a question or two prepared!

thank you so much this is so helpful, where there any chemistry or biology questions
Reply 9
Original post by munalove
thank you so much this is so helpful, where there any chemistry or biology questions

nope, none at all. just everything that it says on the interview invite. be sure to do your fitness to practice declaration too
Original post by Kkkkkkvddryiikpp
Hey! Me too but Friday, I’ve done interviews for Cardiff and Swansea and they were very similar, just making sure you understand the profession and why you want to do it- and some ethical and maths stations. I think there’s some questions on the email we were sent confirming our interview date 😊 x

i have interveiws for cardiff swansea and bath next week!! how were they?? how difficult were the questions?? im honestly so terrified for them!!
Reply 11
Original post by anonymous432xx
i have interveiws for cardiff swansea and bath next week!! how were they?? how difficult were the questions?? im honestly so terrified for them!!

samee I’ve got bath next week lowkey bricking it but 3 interviews in a week is crazy but good luck you can do it!!
Original post by bran747
samee I’ve got bath next week lowkey bricking it but 3 interviews in a week is crazy but good luck you can do it!!

thankyou!! honestly idk how im going to do it with mocks the week after that too😫 lowkey don't feel prepared and don't know what to expect! hope yours go well too! have you done any other interviews?
Reply 13
Original post by anonymous432xx
thankyou!! honestly idk how im going to do it with mocks the week after that too😫 lowkey don't feel prepared and don't know what to expect! hope yours go well too! have you done any other interviews?

I’ve done reading and Lincoln interviews and they were good the interviewers are really nice tbf
Reply 14
What day have you put your bath interview
Original post by bran747
What day have you put your bath interview

thursday wby?
Reply 16
Original post by anonymous432xx
thursday wby?

Yeaa samee
what were the math questions in that bath pharmacy based on?

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