The Student Room Group

History Oxford interview 2025

Heyyy, hope everybody's interviews went well today !!! How did you all find them
Reply 1
Original post by pburrow07
Heyyy, hope everybody's interviews went well today !!! How did you all find them

I had mine this morning - I think it went well, it was a lovely discussion and I don’t think the questions were too hard! I gave alternative perspectives and clarified anything that i didn’t understand, the only issue was that i wish it was longer so i could answer more questions😭
Reply 2
Have you been informed of a second interview? I'm just wondering if only getting one interview for history has been a widespread thing this year. I'm not sure if this is true, but I was told that colleges have given out more interviews in general to even the playing field due to issues with the HAT, and that this means more people are only interviewing once.
Reply 3
My daughter only interviewed once and is convinced this is bad news! But all the experienced Oxford people on here say you can't judge anything by it.

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