The Student Room Group

Should I drop down to 3 alevels?

I’m currently studying 4 alevels: Life and health science, nutrition and food science, technology and design and business studies.
Last year I got BBAA (in that order) and I’m predicted BBA*A (in that order) this year.
I have applied to occupational therapy in Glasgow Caledonian university, university of Liverpool, Ulster university and Northumbria university.
Would dropping down to 3 affect my chances of getting in? I’ve been told that I don’t need to do all three although I’m weary to drop a subject as it would be business studies which is one of my best subjects (A).

Any help is welcome thank you.
Unis only require 3 subjects so dropping down from 4 would allow you to focus more on getting the 3 grades they’ll look at.
Why would it have to be business that you drop?
Reply 2
My life and health science and nutrition and food science would be the two main subject I need to get into my course. In TD we’ve done a lot of coursework so I wouldn’t want to have done it for nothing as well as it being one of my favorite subjects. Business kid off doesn’t have anything to do with what I want to do and I honestly don’t really like the subject.
Reply 3
Original post by Fphair
My life and health science and nutrition and food science would be the two main subject I need to get into my course. In TD we’ve done a lot of coursework so I wouldn’t want to have done it for nothing as well as it being one of my favorite subjects. Business kid off doesn’t have anything to do with what I want to do and I honestly don’t really like the subject.

if you don’t like it, drop it. you don’t need it, it won’t benefit you and if anything it might distract you from getting good grades in your other subjects.
Reply 4
Original post by Llayla
if you don’t like it, drop it. you don’t need it, it won’t benefit you and if anything it might distract you from getting good grades in your other subjects.

If I did do it and it was one of my highest would unis take my three highest grades?
Reply 5
Original post by Fphair
If I did do it and it was one of my highest would unis take my three highest grades?

They take your three highest grades but this also includes the subjects they require you to do for A levels so bare in mind that it might hinder you from getting the best grades in those subjects if you do four a levels
Reply 6
Ok thank you

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