The Student Room Group

sixth form choices

my gcse predicitons arent currently the best, but i know i will do better
i got a 55 predicted in combined sciences but i need a 66 to do bio and chem at a-level, so for my application i picked geography(which i do want to do) and sociology and psychology- as they were the ones the application form allowed me to pick.
I dont want to do sociology and psychology, but chemistry and biology- when will i get to change my a-level choices?
Reply 1
Yes you will be able to switch a levels. However keep in mind that bio and chem (especially chem) are wayyy harder than gcse like the step up is crazy. So if you think you would struggle to get at least a 7 in gcse combined then it is probably not the best choice to take bio and chem and that is the harsh truth im afraid.
That being said there is still a lot of time to start an academic comeback if you focus on those subjects. And even if you dont get the grade you wanted then maybe try out a level bio and chem for a few weeks, and if it gets too hard and unmanageable then switch subjects.
Reply 2
Original post by olivkatoczus
my gcse predicitons arent currently the best, but i know i will do better
i got a 55 predicted in combined sciences but i need a 66 to do bio and chem at a-level, so for my application i picked geography(which i do want to do) and sociology and psychology- as they were the ones the application form allowed me to pick.
I dont want to do sociology and psychology, but chemistry and biology- when will i get to change my a-level choices?

Heyyy, I'm currently doing bio, chem and french a level.
I would advise you speak to your school / school you're applying to or email them confirming your choices, but this early on it depends on your predicted grades whether or not you can choose bio and chem, so if the predicted grades don't align I suggest waiting for results day and when you get the results (and hopefully get a 66 or above), emailing the school you want to the same day and asking for a place.
I do recommend applying to multiple schools (I applied to 6) as it keeps your options open.
Hope it helped and good luck for your gcses! :h:

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