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Withdrawn from my college

Unfortunately I’ve been withdrawn from my college in my 2nd month being there as someone freshly out of secondary school. In October I was sick for 2 days due to my migraines I even went to the gp . So I had meetings for my attendance. Sometimes in college I would chat w my friends and but still take notes since it was early days everyone was just unserious in my class. However I did quite bad on my assignment I was studying level 3 applied psychology and health and social care BTEC . I’ve never done either of the subjects during secondary school as a gsce . And because I was sick and late sometimes I didn’t understand well so I didn’t pass. I think that’s when they decided to kick me out .i have appealed had meetings with the assistant principal got medical letters from the gp and my therapist from CAMHS but there decision was final. I do have a part time job but I am feel robbed honestly no places in London are taking late enrollments in January I had tried in October . I will go to a different college or sixth form next September but for now I have nothing rlly to do I’ve lost my social life due not being in college. My parents think I am failure honestly I need any advice I don’t want to do an apprenticeship it I’ll just ruin my mental health and I can’t do a apprenticeship that aligns with what I want to do in the future . Please help !!!
Original post by Chr1stianna
Unfortunately I’ve been withdrawn from my college in my 2nd month being there as someone freshly out of secondary school. In October I was sick for 2 days due to my migraines I even went to the gp . So I had meetings for my attendance. Sometimes in college I would chat w my friends and but still take notes since it was early days everyone was just unserious in my class. However I did quite bad on my assignment I was studying level 3 applied psychology and health and social care BTEC . I’ve never done either of the subjects during secondary school as a gsce . And because I was sick and late sometimes I didn’t understand well so I didn’t pass. I think that’s when they decided to kick me out .i have appealed had meetings with the assistant principal got medical letters from the gp and my therapist from CAMHS but there decision was final. I do have a part time job but I am feel robbed honestly no places in London are taking late enrollments in January I had tried in October . I will go to a different college or sixth form next September but for now I have nothing rlly to do I’ve lost my social life due not being in college. My parents think I am failure honestly I need any advice I don’t want to do an apprenticeship it I’ll just ruin my mental health and I can’t do a apprenticeship that aligns with what I want to do in the future . Please help !!!

Your college won't have withdrawn you because you were "sick for 2 days" in October. It's much more likely to be an accumulation of factors.

Does "I was sick and late sometimes" mean that your attendance was really quite poor? Does "I would chat w my friends" and "everyone was just unserious in my class" mean that you didn't really engage with studying there?

As for "now I have nothing rlly to do", perhaps you could study - so that when you return to college in September next year, you know an awful lot already and are in a better place to do well there?
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
Your college won't have withdrawn you because you were "sick for 2 days" in October. It's much more likely to be an accumulation of factors.
Does "I was sick and late sometimes" mean that your attendance was really quite poor? Does "I would chat w my friends" and "everyone was just unserious in my class" mean that you didn't really engage with studying there?
As for "now I have nothing rlly to do", perhaps you could study - so that when you return to college in September next year, you know an awful lot already and are in a better place to do well there?

I was late previously twice however I am not trying to excuse myself I only had one warning and one phone call warning to my mum. However I did engage I did ask my teachers questions about my work ask if I could improve my answer. However I will try to study through this unfortunate gap year. But I was wondering if I could win the appeal I have a letter from my doctor and my therapist if that could help.
You can try to do the appeal, no harm in doing so, but make sure you keep to your word and work really hard. Otherwise there’s nothing wrong with doing a gap year
Reply 4
Thank you I will I already have appealed it’s just that I feel like everything is finalised . And as a low income family my child tax credit is gone .
tbh in regards of you not understanding subjects when you go to college a large part of it is teaching yourself rather than being taught everything, so even if you don't attend class you should do the readings or extra work so you do understand it.
Reply 6
I will do in September thank youu
Good luck. With hard work, things can be done!

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