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Warwick or Nottingham for Law?

I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?
I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?

Congratulations! Would you mind to share your background? Local or international? Predicted grade and subjects?Thanks.
I am still waiting to hear from Warwick!
As home & non-contextual
Reply 4
Nottingham. Warwick Law is largely taken by international students and Warwick's 'positive' inclusion veers on being anti white and anti male.
(edited 2 months ago)
Firstly, the rankings do not matter. Prestige/reputation does matter in law, particularly corporate law dealing with corporate finance & commercial matters. Nottingham probably slightly edges the reputation in law specifically, however the margins are pretty small.

It’s important to remember firms aren’t recruiting universities they are recruiting people. Your attitude, your values, your preparation will be by far the biggest factors hen launching a career given the relative differences between the universities.

Will you get distracted, maybe, yes Warwick is quieter but ultimately if you want to go out drinking you’ll find a way, it’s commutable to Coventry for student nights out. And university is more about organization than volume of work. Ive seen medics, engineers, law students, healthcare students on placement all manage to have active social lives & do well academically. I actually find people who are often more socially reliable do better academically, because they are diligent when it comes to personal administration.
Reply 6
I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?

Congrats on your offer, I’ve applied to both too and have so far got an offer from Nottingham. Personally, I loved Nottingham open day so I definitely think it’s my first or second choice. I did a summer school at Warwick, and have heard its great for employability. I have heard though there isn’t a lot to do in the area, and for me I think it’s important that i go somewhere which has a good night life, stuff to do and is good for law.
Reply 7
I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?

Do you mind me asking, when did you submit your application and how long did it take to hear back? Are you an international student or contextual ?
Reply 8
Original post by jellyfish7
Do you mind me asking, when did you submit your application and how long did it take to hear back? Are you an international student or contextual ?

I submitted my application in October and heard back in mid November and I’m a home student not contextual x
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous
Congratulations! Would you mind to share your background? Local or international? Predicted grade and subjects?Thanks.

Thank you!!
I am local my predicted is A* A* A* in English Lit, Psychology and History and I am doing an EPQ
Reply 10
Original post by Picnicl
Nottingham. Warwick Law is largely taken by international students and Warwick's 'positive' inclusion veers on being anti white and anti male.

What do you mean by anti white and male? As a person of colour I thought Warwick’s inclusion would be good
I’m considering being a barrister in the future. Which uni so Warwick or Nottingham would be better as prestige is important in the bar as I hold offers for both?
What do you mean by anti white and male? As a person of colour I thought Warwick’s inclusion would be good

I wouldn’t overthink the previous users comment on this, all major universities in the UK are aiming to have broad, diverse & inclusive communities. Universities are very international amongst both students & staff populations and as leading UK universities are amongst the best in the world plus the number of English language speakers - this means the UK unis are magnets for talent from the whole world.
Generally all students will be required to be respectful & treat all people with dignity regardless socioeconomics, religion, ethnicity, nationality….
Reply 13
I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?

Remember that you will get invited to Offer Holder visit days at these Unis and this is the opportunity to look around on an ordinary working day and think critically about the course and the reality of being at that Uni. You do not have to make this decision until JUNE - and there is nothing to be gained by making an earlier decision.
Original post by Anonymous
I’m considering being a barrister in the future. Which uni so Warwick or Nottingham would be better as prestige is important in the bar as I hold offers for both?

Many barristers' chambers make pupillage decisions university-blind. "Prestige" is not important; academic ability is. Barristers are not so silly that we would stake the futures of our chambers on selecting the "prestigious" candidate over the most able one.
If you're interested in corporate/city law, Warwick is fantastic for it. I can't speak to Nottingham obviously but I'm a Warwick grad an a magic circle trainee. Can confirm the uni set me up very well to prepare for and support through applications and employers are on campus pretty much non-stop doing the recruitment rounds
Reply 16
I’ve received offers to study law at both Warwick and Nottingham ( I am still waiting on Bristol) but I can’t seem to decide between them. Nottingham is ranked higher for law but Warwick seems more reputable. It’s also likely that I’d get distracted by night life at Notts too. However, I have heard Warwick is really dead is that true? Any opinions?

Either university will ring the right bells with recruiters. Given that there probably isn't much between the two, although Nottingham is the most popular university for graduate recruiters across the board, you should concentrate on ensuring that you get a First from either of them. Many firms recruit university blind so your academic record from GCSEs to your degree grading will play an important part in your future application success.

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