The Student Room Group

No portfolio architecture offer from Edinburgh

My UCAS was sent off about two weeks ago and I'd not finished my portfolio yet when a few days ago I received an offer from Edinburgh to study Architecture. Did they make a mistake or was my personal statement really good or?
Original post by vaclavv
My UCAS was sent off about two weeks ago and I'd not finished my portfolio yet when a few days ago I received an offer from Edinburgh to study Architecture. Did they make a mistake or was my personal statement really good or?

I think that Edinburgh only asks for a portfolio from students that don't take a creative A level (or equivalent). Congrats on the offer. :biggrin:
Reply 2
Original post by vaclavv
My UCAS was sent off about two weeks ago and I'd not finished my portfolio yet when a few days ago I received an offer from Edinburgh to study Architecture. Did they make a mistake or was my personal statement really good or?

What subjects do you take?
Reply 3
Original post by normaw
I think that Edinburgh only asks for a portfolio from students that don't take a creative A level (or equivalent). Congrats on the offer. :biggrin:
Thank you!!
I don't do a creative A level though🥲
Reply 4
Original post by CH Autumn
What subjects do you take?

religious studies, maths, and biology
Reply 5
Original post by vaclavv
religious studies, maths, and biology

I don’t take any art subject too and I am still waiting for an offer. Lucky you! Hope I will hear from them later. Up to now, I haven’t got any offer.
Original post by vaclavv
religious studies, maths, and biology

Did u take GCSE art?
Original post by vaclavv
religious studies, maths, and biology

What were your predicted grades? I’m getting really stressed out **
Reply 8
Original post by CH Autumn
Did u take GCSE art?

I did but I got a 6 so I assumed they wouldn't consider that as proof of artistic ability but it's possible they did!
Reply 9
Original post by ruthematics
What were your predicted grades? I’m getting really stressed out **

Original post by vaclavv

oh okay me too! guess your personal statement was amazing haha
Original post by vaclavv
I did but I got a 6 so I assumed they wouldn't consider that as proof of artistic ability but it's possible they did!

I think it’s a proof. I didn’t take any art subject so I am not given offer up to this moment

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