The Student Room Group

Official Loughborough University - Accommodation Thread 2025

Hello :smile:

This thread is for 2025 applicants who have questions about student accommodation at Loughborough University.

You can find the most up-to-date information on our Accommodation web pages where there are details about our different halls and what to expect from living on campus. There is also a list of answers to FAQs that you might find useful.

Please do ask here if you have further questions.

- Loughborough team
Reply 1
Hiya, I was wondering when the accomodation applications open for those who firm Loughborough and when do you find out what accomadation your in. I've taken a gap year so my offer is unconditional so will the halls I 'reserve' ultimately be the one I'm in?
Thanks, Summer 😄
(edited 3 weeks ago)
Original post by Summer.g
Hiya, I was wondering when the accomodation applications open for those who firm Loughborough and when do you find out what accomadation your in. I've taken a gap year so my offer is unconditional so will the halls I 'reserve' ultimately be the one I'm in?
Thanks, Summer 😄

Hi @Summer.g

Hope you're enjoying your gap year!

You can have a look here about the application process, but to summarise it says on there:

Students with an unconditional offer will benefit from early room reservation between 5 June and 15 July. To do this, we recommend that you register your accommodation account from early June and research our 16 undergraduate halls of residence, making a list of which halls and rooms you like. You will then be ready to reserve your room on the Accommodation Hub. Make sure you accept your room offer within 5 days to secure your booking.
After 15 July, students with an unconditional offer will still be able to register on our Accommodation Hub, but you will need to wait until the room reservation system re-opens on 15-16 August to reserve a room.

You might also find the step by step guide useful which you can find here: Step-by-step guide,

Hope this helps :smile:

Loughborough University

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