The Student Room Group

Broken bones

Leading on from the scar thread. How many of you have broken a bone? If you have where abouts have you broken and how?
I broke my foot on holiday before. Climbing out of the swimming pool of all things! On the 2nd day of the holiday as well so had a pot on my leg for 2 weeks! It was awful, I couldn't go back in the pool and it was so hot. Then when I got home and the pot was taken off I had one brown leg and one white leg argh! Nightmare!
So come and share your broken bones stories...

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Reply 1
Leading on from the scar thread. How many of you have broken a bone? If you have where abouts have you broken and how?
I broke my foot on holiday before. Climbing out of the swimming pool of all things! On the 2nd day of the holiday as well so had a pot on my leg for 2 weeks! It was awful, I couldn't go back in the pool and it was so hot. Then when I got home and the pot was taken off I had one brown leg and one white leg argh! Nightmare!
So come and share your broken bones stories...

broke my little finger on my right hand, and my left ankle
Reply 2
I've never borken any bones thankfully, and I don't intend to
Reply 3
I broke my wrist, then played basketball for 10 minutes :biggrin:
Reply 4
one time I kicked my mum in a pool and broke my toe.


LOL, sorry to laugh but that was a funny picture in my head!
I've never broken any bones... broken my two front teeth though...
Reply 6
In fact, last year I was playing hockey and got hit on the chin with a hockey stick that was moving at a very high speed, and my hole chin was black for a few days because of the bruising, and since I have been able to feel a little piece of bone in my chin that is separated from the main jaw...
Reply 7
I've never borken any bones thankfully, and I don't intend to

Well quite funnily I didn't intend to break any bones either! :biggrin:
Reply 8

I had to have my ankle put in a cast a few years ago, because a portion of bone just..wouldn't show up on the xray, and it could only be assumed that it had fallen off. The doctors had no idea what was wrong, so they cast it.

what the....?
Reply 9
Well quite funnily I didn't intend to break any bones either! :biggrin:

That's what they always say...there's not much hope for me now
Reply 10
I was hobbling and in A LOT of pain. they x-rayed, and found this black portion on the side of my ankle [obviously where bone should be]

BUT! the pain was in the front, so we had to assume that the bone had chipped off and moved around..

yeah O.o

youre weird :p: :biggrin:
Reply 11
youre weird :p: :biggrin:

I agree, not as a person, but you must be some kind of ghost..... (in a nice way)
Reply 12
I agree, not as a person, but you must be some kind of ghost..... (in a nice way)

no need to be nice about it, if youre gonna insult someone you might as well do it properly :biggrin: :wink: :rolleyes:
Reply 13
I've broken about 10 bones in my lifetime. Ranging from my foot to my shoulder.
Nothing for a long while though. *touches wood*
Reply 14


Reply 15
I have broekn my left leg and dislocated the ankle at the same time. I was running along and a guy grabbed my ankle. I landed badly. Was not fun.
I've fractured my right ankle. I used to have bunk beds and there was a large chest of drawers next to it that I would climb on to get in and out. It wasn't that stable and it fell on to my leg.
I've broken toes many times, I nevere really feel it until a couple days after when my foot is swollen.
Dislocated my finger at the 2nd knuckle. I was playing netball (in the first PE lesson I had taken part in for moths) and I caught the ball incorrectly. Never could be bothered to get the fnger set back and so it is still a little wonky now. The PE teacher never minded me missing lesson after that though..too accident prone.
Also did something to my back/chest. Not sure what but there is a lump that was never there before. I tried to flip over a friends back and ended up bouncing on my neck and then back.
Reply 16
I've broken about 10 bones in my lifetime. Ranging from my foot to my shoulder.
Nothing for a long while though. *touches wood*

Random question: Which hurt the most?
I broke my wrist last new year... in a fight :eek:. I'm not bragging - it was increadibly stupid. I was also in denial about it being broken and never went to the hospital. It took almost 6 months to heal properly.

Other than that, I've cracked a bone in my foot and split my shoulder socket, which set slightly bigger than it was before so now my shoulder dislocates very easily. Oh, and I broke a rib trying to get over an impossible overhang rock climbing. At an indoor climbing center :biggrin:. That's what I get trying to do the "expert" wall the first time I'd ever been.

...the human body is so lame.
Reply 18
I've never ever broken anything! I hope I don't either :eek:
Reply 19
Random question: Which hurt the most?

Probably my foot when playing football.