So my school is a state funded secondary school which comes top in the area for A level results, however when starting in year 12 we are forced to do 4 a levels. I figured I'd try it out and then drop one before the winter mocks as why study something for a year just to drop it and gain no qualification from it. Aside from just the pointless study of a subject we will not be taking in Year 13, 4 a levels means limited frees. My school is a CofE school meaning that we are required to study Religious enrichment (in the place of a free period) fortnitely. Surely there is enough evidence that any student, regardless of prexisting anxiety and mental health problems, will become overly stressed in this environment? But my school makes it incredibly difficult to drop the fourth a level, they say its just a 'policy' but my friends who have tried dropping a levels have been increasingly blocked from doing so unless they have a mental health diagnosis and parental permission. Is this even legal?