There are no cons as the university is not allowed to discriminate because of a disability. The pros are that you will be eligible for help and support from the university and SFE via the DSA so the earlier they are made aware of any particular needs you may have, the easier it will be for them to organise the support and put it in place.
does anyone have any experience with putting disability on their application/ experience with a disability at univeristy please comment 😊😊😊pros/cons ?
Hello! I am a deaf disabled student in my third year at Lancaster. I would advise putting your disability on your application form as it allows the university to reach out and offer and talk you through any support you are entitled to at the university. For example, all Lancaster disabled student have an independent learning support plan (ILSP) which is sent to all the lecturers you will have and includes any exam arrangements. They can also offer support on applying for disabled students allowance (DSA) which gives support through physical or technological help. Most of this could even be done before you start university so all the support is in place when you arrive.
Hope this helps and feel free to ask anymore questions! Lucy (Lancaster University Student Ambassador)
does anyone have any experience with putting disability on their application/ experience with a disability at univeristy please comment 😊😊😊pros/cons ?
Hello I would recommend you disclose the disability on the application for the university to provide appropriate support from the start. Here are some pros and cons to consider: Pros: Early access to support services and reasonable adjustments Potential eligibility for additional funding Demonstrates resilience and personal growth in your application of which allows the university to prepare accommodations before you arrive Cons: There are no cons Courtesy : Robert Gordon University Robert Gordon University treats all disability information confidentially and uses it only to ensure you receive the support you need. Hope this is helpful