The Student Room Group

Denta therapy and hygiene Offers 2025?

Has anyone got any offers/interviews/rejections for dental therapy and hygiene? Specifically kings college London, Queen Mary university of London or University of Portsmouth
(uni of Portsmouth has announced that their offer deadline has been pushed further to February due to large number of applicants)
Reply 1
I just got a rejection from Portsmouth yesterday - haven't heard from the others yet! I also applied to King's and Queen Mary.
Reply 2
Original post by Keevachaa
I just got a rejection from Portsmouth yesterday - haven't heard from the others yet! I also applied to King's and Queen Mary.

I’m sorry to hear that but hopefully we both hear back from KCL and QMUL!
Original post by Nadirabegum
Has anyone got any offers/interviews/rejections for dental therapy and hygiene? Specifically kings college London, Queen Mary university of London or University of Portsmouth
(uni of Portsmouth has announced that their offer deadline has been pushed further to February due to large number of applicants)

Offers, interviews and rejections being discussed in the DH&T applicants thread:

Reply 4
Original post by normaw
Offers, interviews and rejections being discussed in the DH&T applicants thread:

I see so many dental nurses applying.. I'm a year 13.. Scared😵

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