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Fear of further maths

Need to choose subjects ASAP

I'm sorry I've posted previously about this but change of heart and attitude.
I don't know if I can do further maths or not im scared.

Okay gcse maths is easy. Hmm ocr fmsq? (its like rhis qualifaction which introduces us to a level maths)
We started differentiation n in class I hardly stood what was going on.
I spent and hour at home learning and progressing through practise qs to exam practise until I was confident. Now I liek the topic etc. However we learnt something new today and I followed the same procedure and now I understood it.

This is seriously making me doubt my math capabilities. After having just transitioned to set 1 in a math devoted grammar school, set 1s seem so sure- my peers around me understand what's happening in class (for ad maths). Most can do the harder challenging qs while in class I'm doing the 'easy ones'.

My partner next to me understands everything straight away or nearly straight aaway and doesn't need to do the hour of revision/learning which I do and he's taking further maths aswell. Told him I'm considering doing it n he seemed amused.

Is my mathematical ability lacking in some sector? Will not being able to understand the teacher really hinder me?

I want to take fm cuz I'm taking maths n econ n it goes well. Also I quite like maths (after I understand it atleast) and I like days where I have to revise maths compared to other subjects.

I have no idea how good u need to be for further maths and no idea on how to tell if I can do it. I was thinking of maybe spending a day learning further math content to see how I get on? Will this be a indicator. Whatver I learn would prolly not be that hard anyways as its entry level stuff but still omg I'm scared.

I need 3 A*s (okay maybe not need but aspirations) and I can't let fm bring me down. Sure I could take another subject but fm is my first option and ahahsiwiwbbshsahwh

Any advice appreciated and if anyone has taken fm pls lmk how it is🙏🙏🙏🙏
Reply 1
Original post by labyr5nth
Need to choose subjects ASAP
I'm sorry I've posted previously about this but change of heart and attitude.
I don't know if I can do further maths or not im scared.
Okay gcse maths is easy. Hmm ocr fmsq? (its like rhis qualifaction which introduces us to a level maths)
We started differentiation n in class I hardly stood what was going on.
I spent and hour at home learning and progressing through practise qs to exam practise until I was confident. Now I liek the topic etc. However we learnt something new today and I followed the same procedure and now I understood it.
This is seriously making me doubt my math capabilities. After having just transitioned to set 1 in a math devoted grammar school, set 1s seem so sure- my peers around me understand what's happening in class (for ad maths). Most can do the harder challenging qs while in class I'm doing the 'easy ones'.
My partner next to me understands everything straight away or nearly straight aaway and doesn't need to do the hour of revision/learning which I do and he's taking further maths aswell. Told him I'm considering doing it n he seemed amused.
Is my mathematical ability lacking in some sector? Will not being able to understand the teacher really hinder me?
I want to take fm cuz I'm taking maths n econ n it goes well. Also I quite like maths (after I understand it atleast) and I like days where I have to revise maths compared to other subjects.
I have no idea how good u need to be for further maths and no idea on how to tell if I can do it. I was thinking of maybe spending a day learning further math content to see how I get on? Will this be a indicator. Whatver I learn would prolly not be that hard anyways as its entry level stuff but still omg I'm scared.
I need 3 A*s (okay maybe not need but aspirations) and I can't let fm bring me down. Sure I could take another subject but fm is my first option and ahahsiwiwbbshsahwh
Any advice appreciated and if anyone has taken fm pls lmk how it is🙏🙏🙏🙏

I guess a few things, but hidden in there is - you have enough time on your a levels to do your a levels. Its not rocket science.

Regarding gcse further maths as a precursor of a level maths/further maths can be misleading. Its not necessary to take gcse further maths to do a level maths/further maths and can add extra stress for some kids (you?) at a time when theyre already busy.

You could easily drop gcse further maths and while youd start off a level maths/further maths a bit behind some classmates, plelnty of people get A/A* in a levels without having done further maths. My lad has gone to cambridge / maths this year without doing gcse further maths and Id guess hes not unusual / its not that important. You have enough time on your a levels to do your a levels. Its not rocket science

You could easily do a bit "bridging/pre reading" over the summer without the stress of the other gcses. Personally I dont think its that necessary, unless you wanted to. You could easily drop gcse further maths, but do a bit similar reading/questions in the next 9 months without doing the exam.

Your classmate will find some stuff hard (everyone does). Judging yourself against someone else is kinda pointless and if he seemed amused, either he needs a few social skills or you misjudged his reaction or ... It really doesnt matter.

Its up to you, but if you get the grades on gcse maths (not further) and want to do it, dont overthink it. Personally, Id not do gcse further maths to not give yourself extra stress, and crack on with your a levels when the time comes. Concentrate on your gcses now. 1 extra gcse means zilch and saving a bit of time next year (when you dont need to) verses extra stress now when you do need the time seems kinda stupid. Ditch those bats/gcse further maths as johnny depp would say
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by mqb2766
I guess a few things, but hidden in there is - you have enough time on your a levels to do your a levels. Its not rocket science.

Regarding gcse further maths as a precursor of a level maths/further maths can be misleading. Its not necessary to take gcse further maths to do a level maths/further maths and can add extra stress for some kids (you?) at a time when theyre already busy.

You could easily drop gcse further maths and while youd start off a level maths/further maths a bit behind some classmates, plelnty of people get A/A* in a levels without having done further maths. My lad has gone to cambridge / maths this year without doing gcse further maths and Id guess hes not unusual / its not that important. You have enough time on your a levels to do your a levels. Its not rocket science

You could easily do a bit "bridging/pre reading" over the summer without the stress of the other gcses. Personally I dont think its that necessary, unless you wanted to. You could easily drop gcse further maths, but do a bit similar reading/questions in the next 9 months without doing the exam.

Your classmate will find some stuff hard (everyone does). Judging yourself against someone else is kinda pointless and if he seemed amused, either he needs a few social skills or you misjudged his reaction or ... It really doesnt matter.

Its up to you, but if you get the grades on gcse maths (not further) and want to do it, dont overthink it. Personally, Id not do gcse further maths to not give yourself extra stress, and crack on with your a levels when the time comes. Concentrate on your gcses now. 1 extra gcse means zilch and saving a bit of time next year (when you dont need to) verses extra stress now when you do need the time seems kinda stupid. Ditch those bats/gcse further maths as johnny depp would say

wait i am definitely doing ocr fmsq ad maths I was deciding whether or not to do a level further maths
Reply 3
Original post by labyr5nth
wait i am definitely doing ocr fmsq ad maths I was deciding whether or not to do a level further maths

I realise, but you seem to be worrying about time to do gcse further maths and projecting it onto a level further maths. You will have the appropriate time to do the latter (a level) next year. If youre finding it tough to find time to do the former this year, dont bother (gcse/l2/...).
Reply 4
Original post by mqb2766
I realise, but you seem to be worrying about time to do gcse further maths and projecting it onto a level further maths. You will have the appropriate time to do the latter (a level) next year. If youre finding it tough to find time to do the former this year, dont bother (gcse/l2/...).

Oh okay, i'm finding further maths at gcse quite good tho it's fun n we finished gcse maths ages ago so I'm used to it. I would never want to not take it. Despite it sometimes being difficult n having to put in an extra hour or 2 I don't mind the time and I feel it really strengthens my understanding and is basically revision as well as learning. However I was just worried that if I'm having to put in 'extra' hours already for a level maths related stuff then what my situation would be at further maths unless it's normal to not understand what the teachers saying..
Reply 5
Original post by labyr5nth
Oh okay, i'm finding further maths at gcse quite good tho it's fun n we finished gcse maths ages ago so I'm used to it. I would never want to not take it. Despite it sometimes being difficult n having to put in an extra hour or 2 I don't mind the time and I feel it really strengthens my understanding and is basically revision as well as learning. However I was just worried that if I'm having to put in 'extra' hours already for a level maths related stuff then what my situation would be at further maths unless it's normal to not understand what the teachers saying..

It doesnt sound like it really is signicantly extra hours (an hour or two). If it affects your other gcses, dont do the gcse further maths. If you are finding it a bit hard, thats hardly unusual as its meant to be more challenging. You have enough time in y12 and 13 to do your a levels. If youve done the gcse further maths, youll be a bit ahead in a few of the a level topics, though there is no need to be. Going into y12 with a good understanding of algebra, quadratics, ... is arguably more important than learning a bit of the new stuff early.
(edited 2 months ago)

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