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Bath or Southampton - help

Courses I'm looking at are:

Structural and architectural engineering MEng

Civil engineering and architecture MEng

Just for context, I'm predicted A*A*A* (maths, biology, geography) so applying without physics is already a HUGE risk. (I hope I haven't misread the subject requirements)

But anyways what's it like overall to study at these unis??? And employability after graduation??
You have 5 choices. You don’t have to choose a single choice now.
Reply 2
You have 5 choices. You don’t have to choose a single choice now.

yeah but I need to choose a uni for my last slot
Original post by Anonymous
yeah but I need to choose a uni for my last slot

What are your other 4 choices?
What are your priorities and what do you consider the pros and cons of each of these 2?
Original post by Anonymous
Courses I'm looking at are:
Structural and architectural engineering MEng
Civil engineering and architecture MEng
Just for context, I'm predicted A*A*A* (maths, biology, geography) so applying without physics is already a HUGE risk. (I hope I haven't misread the subject requirements)
But anyways what's it like overall to study at these unis??? And employability after graduation??

Hi there Anon,

Its great to hear you've already come to a few decisions about which unis you'd like to go to.

My advice would be to choose the option which has...


The course content which you like best - does it resonate with what you want to learn, are interested in and might want to do in future?


The campus and city which feels right for you. If you can, perhaps visit both Bath and Southampton (or you could google a virtual tour) and see which area looks the most appealing to you, and where you would feel most at home.


Have you considered what the placement options are? I cannot speak for Southampton, but bath has one of the best industrial placement schemes in the country. If this is something you would be interested in then definitely check out what each uni can offer!

Both are very strong unis and so I'm confident that either would make a great fifth choice. You have fantastic predicted grades, and so if you put in a strong PS then you would be able to make a very competitive application for either.

I hope this helps, very best wishes

University of Bath

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