The Student Room Group

Insurance for delivery driving

Hi, I'm 18 and just wondering if anyone has had the same problem of not being able to do delivery driving because no where will insure until your 21. Has anyone found any solutions or any places which will actually allow it?
Tbh no, almost all driving jobs are 21+ for insurance reasons. For many companies the extra costs trying to insure younger/higher risk drivers are just not worth it, and even if self employed the 'Hire & Reward' insurers pretty much all have the same 21+ rule. You also need to have been driving for 2+ years for many of these role, even besides age.

One big reason for a lot of of this is that delivery vehicles are often pretty expensive and harder to drive. It's hard enough trying to get insurance for a £5k Corsa at 18 let alone a £50k odd delivery van.
Popping back to say I've been browsing indeed and seeing ads from Argos/Sainsburys saying they're looking for drivers 18+ and 1 year driving exp, so there do seem to be some exceptions.
Original post by toaster28
Hi, I'm 18 and just wondering if anyone has had the same problem of not being able to do delivery driving because no where will insure until your 21. Has anyone found any solutions or any places which will actually allow it?

As has been said, Most driving jobs are 21+ for insurance reasons. For many companies the extra costs trying to insure younger/higher risk drivers are just not worth it. You also need to have been driving for 2+ years for quite a few jobs, even besides age.

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