As mentioned, I am going on a trip with school to Nepal in summer next year to help a school which has just finished being built, to teach some English and resource the rooms and things but the cost of £4000 is very scary. Just wondering if anyone has any fundraising tips that are unusual or may be useful in any way?
I have started selling on EBay, which has raised funds of about £80 and also am planning on starting to tutor kids in the community for maths who are studying for SATs and GCSEs too. However, obviously it is a minute amount compared to what I have to fund.
My main problem is that I don’t want to do something like a huge fundraiser as I feel like my studying is the most important thing to me at the moment, studying 4 A-levels and it would involve a lot of organising where my school isn’t the most proactive group of people.
If anyone has any ideas and tips or suggestions or really anything they can suggest, I’d be really really grateful!
Thanks in advance!