The Student Room Group

Experimental psychology degree at oxford

Hi, i really want to go to oxford for university and I was wondering what previous succesful applicants have done to get in (oxford is not my entire world dont worry but i just want to do things that will help my application) so yeh any tips appreciated!!!
Reply 1
If you're applying next year:
read things that interest you about psychology outside of schoolwork to use in your application (personal statement or whatever replaces that now). you don't need to do any impressive work experience/summer school etc (though by all means do if you want to), you just need to show an interest in the subject and reflect on what you've learned - there are lots of ways to do this including books, documentaries, podcasts, free online courses, public lectures etc.
make sure you practise for any admissions test. currently EP at Oxford uses the TSA so if you have to do that start practising early (like in the summer before you apply if the test is still around late October time), there are lots of available past papers and guides to help you with this.
make sure your predicted grades meet the entry requirements. this is basic, but they're not likely to be super lenient about this. you don't need all A*s but you need to meet the requirement.
make sure the course is right for you - every uni designs courses in their own way. Oxford EP might be ideal for you or it might not, just make sure you're applying because you love the course too and not just because it is Oxford
If you're still a GCSE student and not applying for a while:
work hard on getting good grades in your GCSEs as these are also factored into the application. you can worry about the rest of it later - though if you fancy doing some extra reading around your subject early that can't hurt and should be interesting and worthwhile regardless of any future uni application plans

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