The Student Room Group

Do any other autistic people have this problem?

I was looking through my school referral paperwork and apart from the info that I hang out in teachers rooms for comfort and lunch as well as being told I talk to myself and aimlessly walk around the school, many of my teachers had reported that they gave me subtle signs to basically shut up.

Now I know teachers are busy all the time, but after many people problems I sorted of bonded with them in a new way (most of them) and I automatically explained my whole life, likes and dislikes and past problems to them, as well as completely being in the way.

Now I've left school, I can't help but feel a desire to apologise to everyone that they were politely trying to get me to shut up because I was being annoying but I clearly didn't see the hint, but I can't help but feel utterly guilty about talking to them when I only knew them for a short amount of time.

Anyone else?
This isn't as much of an autism problem as lonely problem
That is not the issue I had as autist. Not in this way, but admittedly I felt uncomfortable at school.
Do I have a problem with not getting the hint that people want me to shut up and leave? Yes, 100%. I have had more occasions than I would like to admit where I have spent hours talking for to someone without stopping to eat/drink/pee and they had to point out to me that they needed to leave because they were hungry or because it was now 4am...
Original post by Unicorn7190
I was looking through my school referral paperwork and apart from the info that I hang out in teachers rooms for comfort and lunch as well as being told I talk to myself and aimlessly walk around the school, many of my teachers had reported that they gave me subtle signs to basically shut up.
Now I know teachers are busy all the time, but after many people problems I sorted of bonded with them in a new way (most of them) and I automatically explained my whole life, likes and dislikes and past problems to them, as well as completely being in the way.
Now I've left school, I can't help but feel a desire to apologise to everyone that they were politely trying to get me to shut up because I was being annoying but I clearly didn't see the hint, but I can't help but feel utterly guilty about talking to them when I only knew them for a short amount of time.
Anyone else?

Yeah I wouldn't know because I've never read the secret paperwork they keep on me, but, yeah, sometimes people do have to get me to stop talking when I go on a rant.

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