The Student Room Group

When does Edinburgh give out offers?

I applied on the 2nd of December and like I’m really impatient and stuff 😭
Predicted A*A*A with a good I think personal statement but I’m just terrified of being rejected and the suspense is literally eating at me.
Applied for maths if that makes a difference

I know like I can expect a response before I think march?? But I’ve seen so many get offers already for other subjects and someone I know got an offer for maths and stats from edin soo…
hii i also applied for maths on the same day and got an offer back so im sure you'll hear soon!!

massive luck with your application!!
Original post by marchofthepigs
hii i also applied for maths on the same day and got an offer back so im sure you'll hear soon!!
massive luck with your application!!

When did they reply to you?
Original post by yourdesktopfan
When did they reply to you?

they replied on the 10th
Reply 4
Original post by marchofthepigs
they replied on the 10th

Are you RUK student or International?
Original post by Murray27
Are you RUK student or International?

im scottish so thats maybe why i got an offer quickly
Original post by marchofthepigs
im scottish so thats maybe why i got an offer quickly

Ohh that makes more sense lmao I’m from England and my other friends from England/wales also haven’t heard back
Don't worry too much - Edi tend to send offers to Scottish students, then RUK and International 🙂
Reply 8
Original post by yourdesktopfan
I applied on the 2nd of December and like I’m really impatient and stuff 😭
Predicted A*A*A with a good I think personal statement but I’m just terrified of being rejected and the suspense is literally eating at me.
Applied for maths if that makes a difference
I know like I can expect a response before I think march?? But I’ve seen so many get offers already for other subjects and someone I know got an offer for maths and stats from edin soo…
Original post by yourdesktopfan
I applied on the 2nd of December and like I’m really impatient and stuff 😭
Predicted A*A*A with a good I think personal statement but I’m just terrified of being rejected and the suspense is literally eating at me.
Applied for maths if that makes a difference
I know like I can expect a response before I think march?? But I’ve seen so many get offers already for other subjects and someone I know got an offer for maths and stats from edin soo…

i have one for maths which i got on the 22nd of nov, but i was early entry so i submitted my application like a month before. i live in england! but they gave me a higher offer than expected :frown:

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