Make sure you know your personal statement really well, and can explain why you want to be a nurse/would make a good nurse
Make sure you know about the 6 Cs, have an opinion on which one is most important (and why) and can link it to your PS/why you want to be a nurse
Have a look a the NMC website and the NMC Code as there is potential you could be asked about this The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates - The Nursing and Midwifery Council
Know your reasons for choosing the subject: Know why you're passionate about the course you’ve applied for. This could be a specific aspect of the subject, an experience that inspired you, or your career goals.
Stay positive: Avoid talking about negative experiences or why you don’t like something. Instead, focus on what excites you and what you’re looking forward to studying or achieving at university.
Prepare a question for the end: Interviews often end with the interviewer asking if you have any questions. This is a great opportunity to show you’ve thought carefully about the course or university. For example, you could ask about any of the module choices, student experience, etc.
Go into detail with your answers: Try to avoid one-word or overly brief responses. If they ask you about a specific topic or your interest in the subject, explain your thought process, provide examples, or relate it to your past experiences or aspirations.